Unboxing Engagement in YouTube Influencer Videos: An Attention-Based
December 22, 2020
Computer Science
Electrical Engineering and Systems Science
Machine Learning
Computation and Language
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Audio and Speech Processing
Influencer marketing videos have surged in popularity, yet significant gaps
remain in understanding the relationship between video features and engagement.
This challenge is intensified by the complexities of interpreting unstructured
In this paper, we present a high resolution microwave imaging technique using
a compact and low cost single channel Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave
(FMCW) radar based on Circular Synthetic Aperture Radar (CSAR) technique. We
develop an ...
Robustness of Higher Dimensional Nonlocality against dual noise and
sequential measurements
December 22, 2020
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Quantum Physics
Robustness in the violation of Collins-Linden-Gisin-Masser-Popescu (CGLMP)
inequality is investigated from the dual perspective of noise in measurements
as well as in states. To quantify it, we introduce a quantity called the area
of nonloc...
Implications of NANOGrav results and UV freeze-in in a fast-expanding
December 22, 2020
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Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Recent pulsar timing data reported by the NANOGrav collaboration indicates
the existence of a stochastic gravitational wave (GW) background at a frequency
f∼10−8Hz. We show that a dark sector consisting of a Standard
Model (SM...
Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality in two-component driven diffusive
models: Symmetry and renormalization group perspectives
December 22, 2020
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Statistical Mechanics
We elucidate the universal spatio-temporal scaling properties of the
time-dependent correlation functions in a class of two-component
one-dimensional (1D) driven diffusive system that consists of two coupled
asymmetric exclusion process. By...
Pit30M: A Benchmark for Global Localization in the Age of Self-Driving
December 22, 2020
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Computer Science
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
We are interested in understanding whether retrieval-based localization
approaches are good enough in the context of self-driving vehicles. Towards
this goal, we introduce Pit30M, a new image and LiDAR dataset with over 30
million frames, w...
Periodic trivial extension algebras and fractionally Calabi-Yau algebras
December 22, 2020
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Representation Theory
Rings and Algebras
We study periodicity and twisted periodicity of the trivial extension algebra
T(A) of a finite-dimensional algebra A. Our main results show that
(twisted) periodicity of T(A) is equivalent to A being (twisted)
fractionally Calabi-Ya...
Second moments and the bias conjecture for the family of cubic pencils
December 21, 2020
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Number Theory
Algebraic Geometry
Number Theory
Algebraic Geometry
For a 1-parametric family Ek of elliptic curves over Q and a
prime p, consider the second moment sum M2,p(Ek)=∑k∈Fpak,p2, where ak,p=p+1−#Ek(Fp). Inspired by
Rosen and Silverma...
What is differential geometry: curves and surfaces
December 21, 2020
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History and Overview
Differential Geometry
History and Overview
Differential Geometry
These notes are designed for those who either plan to work in differential
geometry, or at least want to have a good reason not to do it. We discuss
smooth curves and surfaces -- the main gate to differential geometry. We focus
on the techn...
Discordant Relaxations of Misspecified Models
December 21, 2020
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In many set-identified models, it is difficult to obtain a tractable
characterization of the identified set. Therefore, researchers often rely on
non-sharp identification conditions, and empirical results are often based on
an outer set of ...