Robust Bayesian methods for high-dimensional regression problems under
diverse sparse regimes are studied. Traditional shrinkage priors are primarily
designed to detect a handful of signals from tens of thousands of predictors in
the so-cal...
COVID-19 and income profile: How communities in the United States
responded to mobility restrictions in the pandemic's early stages
July 4, 2020
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Computer Science
Physics and Society
Social and Information Networks
Mobility interventions in communities play a critical role in containing a
pandemic at an early stage. The real-world practice of social distancing can
enlighten policymakers and help them implement more efficient and effective
control meas...
The Review Unmanned Surface Vehicle Path Planning: Based on
Multi-modality Constraint
July 3, 2020
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Computer Science
The essence of the path planning problems is multi-modality constraint.
However, most of the current literature has not mentioned this issue. This
paper introduces the research progress of path planning based on the
multi-modality constrain...
Integrating Neural Networks and Dictionary Learning for Multidimensional
Clinical Characterizations from Functional Connectomics Data
July 3, 2020
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Computer Science
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
We propose a unified optimization framework that combines neural networks
with dictionary learning to model complex interactions between resting state
functional MRI and behavioral data. The dictionary learning objective
decomposes patient ...
A double (∞,1)-categorical nerve for double categories
July 3, 2020
Algebraic Topology
Category Theory
We construct a nerve from double categories into double
(∞,1)-categories and show that it gives a right Quillen and
homotopically fully faithful functor between the model structure for weakly
horizontally invariant double categories ...
Zero-one law of orbital limit points for weighted shifts
July 3, 2020
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Functional Analysis
Chan and Seceleanu have shown that if a weighted shift operator on
ℓp(Z), 1≤p<∞, admits an orbit with a non-zero limit
point then it is hypercyclic. We present a new proof of this result that allows
to extend it to...
Limits of almost homogeneous spaces and their fundamental groups
July 3, 2020
Group Theory
Metric Geometry
We say that a sequence of proper geodesic spaces Xn consists of
\textit{almost homogeneous spaces} if there is a sequence of discrete groups of
isometries Gn≤Iso(Xn) with diam(Xn/Gn)→0 as n→∞.
Universal Distances for Extended Persistence
July 3, 2020
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Computer Science
Algebraic Topology
Computational Geometry
The extended persistence diagram is an invariant of piecewise linear
functions, which is known to be stable under perturbations of functions with
respect to the bottleneck distance as introduced by Cohen-Steiner,
Edelsbrunner, and Harer. We...
Analytical models of the Proton Structure Function and the gluon
distribution at small x beyond leading order
July 2, 2020
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High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
We incorporate the next-to-leading order (NLO) and the
next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) effects in the models of the Singlet
Structure function F_2^S(x,t) and the gluon distribution G(x,t) using DGLAP
equations approximated at small x. ...
Lecture Notes on Control System Theory and Design
July 2, 2020
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Computer Science
Electrical Engineering and Systems Science
Optimization and Control
Systems and Control
Systems and Control
This is a collection of the lecture notes of the three authors for a
first-year graduate course on control system theory and design (ECE 515 ,
formerly ECE 415) at the ECE Department of the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign. This i...