Density Matrix Formalism for PT-Symmetric Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians
with the Lindblad Equation
June 3, 2020
Quantum Physics
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
High Energy Physics - Theory
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
In the presence of Lindblad decoherence, i.e. dissipative effects in an open
quantum system due to interaction with an environment, we examine the
transition probabilities between the eigenstates in the two-level quantum
system described by...
Zone Theorem for Arrangements in three dimensions
June 2, 2020
Computer Science
Computational Geometry
Data Structures and Algorithms
Computational Geometry
Data Structures and Algorithms
In this note, a simple description of zone theorem in three dimensions is
given.Arrangements in three dimensions are useful for constructing higher-order
Voronoi diagrams in plane. An elementary and very intuitive treatment of this
result i...
Explicit approximations of option prices via Malliavin calculus in a
general stochastic volatility framework
June 2, 2020
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Quantitative Finance
Mathematical Finance
Mathematical Finance
We obtain an explicit approximation formula for European put option prices
within a general stochastic volatility model with time-dependent parameters.
Our methodology involves writing the put option price as an expectation of a
YOUNG Star detrending for Transiting Exoplanet Recovery (YOUNGSTER) --
I. A search for young exoplanets in Sectors 1-5 of the TESS Full-Frame-Images
June 2, 2020
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Earth and Planetary Astrophysics
Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
Young (<1Gyr) exoplanets represent a critically important area of exoplanet
research, as they offer the opportunity to learn about the formation and early
dynamic history of exoplanetary systems. However, finding young exoplanets is
Order polynomial product formulas and poset dynamics
June 2, 2020
We survey all known examples of finite posets whose order polynomials have
product formulas, and we propose the heuristic that these are the same posets
with good dynamical behavior. Here the dynamics in question are the actions of
Generalization Study of Quantum Neural Network
June 2, 2020
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Computer Science
Quantum Physics
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Generalization is an important feature of neural network, and there have been
many studies on it. Recently, with the development of quantum compu-ting, it
brings new opportunities. In this paper, we studied a class of quantum neural
Global well-posedness for the three dimensional Muskat problem in the
critical Sobolev space
June 2, 2020
Analysis of PDEs
We prove that the 3D stable Muskat problem is globally well-posed in the
critical Sobolev space H˙2∩W˙1,∞ provided that the
semi-norm ∥f0∥H˙2 is small enough. Consequently, this
allows the Lips...
A Galois approach to Kaplansky Radical × Hilbert's Theorem 90
June 2, 2020
Number Theory
Group Theory
This paper aims to prove a version of the Hilbert's Theorem 90 for a field
with non-trivial Kaplansky radical and the Galois group of its maximal
2-extension as a finitely generated elementary type pro-2 group....
Some improved Gaussian correlation inequalities for symmetrical
n-rectangles extended to some multivariate gamma distributions and some
further probability inequalities
June 1, 2020
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
The Gaussian correlation inequality (GCI) for symmetrical n-rectangles is
improved if the absolute components have a joint cumulative distribution (cdf)
which is MTP2 (multivariate totally positive of order 2). Inequalities of the
here give...
Two variable logic with ultimately periodic counting
June 1, 2020
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Computer Science
Logic in Computer Science
We consider the extension of two variable logic with quantifiers that state
that the number of elements where a formula holds should belong to a given
ultimately periodic set. We show that both satisfiability and finite
satisfiability of th...