We introduce a model of probabilistic verification in mechanism design. The
principal elicits a message from the agent and then selects a test to give the
agent. The agent's true type determines the probability with which he can pass
each t...
A Simulative Study on Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC) as a
Control Tool for Practitioners
August 13, 2019
Electrical Engineering and Systems Science
Computer Science
Systems and Control
Systems and Control
As an alternative to both classical PID-type and modern model-based
approaches to solving control problems, active disturbance rejection control
(ADRC) has gained significant traction in recent years. With its simple tuning
method and robus...
R-miss-tastic: a unified platform for missing values methods and
August 13, 2019
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Missing values are unavoidable when working with data. Their occurrence is
exacerbated as more data from different sources become available. However, most
statistical models and visualization methods require complete data, and
improper hand...
High-frequency analysis of parabolic stochastic PDEs with multiplicative
August 12, 2019
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
We consider the stochastic heat equation driven by a multiplicative Gaussian
noise that is white in time and spatially homogeneous in space. Assuming that
the spatial correlation function is given by a Riesz kernel of order $\alpha
\in (0,1...
Robust Bilevel Optimization for Near-Optimal Lower-Level Solutions
August 12, 2019
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Computer Science
Optimization and Control
Computer Science and Game Theory
Bilevel optimization problems embed the optimality of a subproblem as a
constraint of another optimization problem. We introduce the concept of
near-optimality robustness for bilevel optimization, protecting the upper-level
solution feasibi...
Asymptotic Validity and Finite-Sample Properties of Approximate
Randomization Tests
August 12, 2019
Machine Learning
Randomization tests rely on simple data transformations and possess an
appealing robustness property. In addition to being finite-sample valid if the
data distribution is invariant under the transformation, these tests can be
On the invariance of the string topology coproduct
August 11, 2019
Algebraic Topology
Differential Geometry
Geometric Topology
We give a variant of Naef's formula for the failure of invariance of the
string topology coproduct under homotopy equivalences, using an obstruction
class build from the higher homotopy data one can associate to a homotopy
equivalence as we...
Refined moves for structure-preserving isomorphism of graph C*-algebras
August 10, 2019
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Operator Algebras
Dynamical Systems
Operator Algebras
Dynamical Systems
We formalize eight different notions of isomorphism among (unital) graph
C*-algebras, and initiate the study of which of these notions may be described
geometrically as generated by moves. We propose a list of seven types of moves
that we c...
Large Scale Geometries of Infinite Strings
August 10, 2019
Computer Science
Logic in Computer Science
Formal Languages and Automata Theory
We introduce geometric consideration into the theory of formal languages. We
aim to shed light on our understanding of global patterns that occur on
infinite strings. We utilise methods of geometric group theory. Our emphasis is
on large sc...
Abnormal deflection of electrons crossing the boundary of two opposite
magnetic fields
August 10, 2019
General Physics
This paper reports an experiment about abnormal deflection of cathode-ray in
odd-symmetric magnetic field. The measurement results show that during
cathode-ray passes through odd-symmetric magnetic field, a deflection opposite
to Lorentz fo...