Let 1→H→G→Q→1 be an exact sequence where H=π1(S) is
the fundamental group of a closed surface S of genus greater than one, G is
hyperbolic and Q is finitely generated free. The aim of this paper is to
Symmetry, Unimodality, and Lefschetz Properties for Graded Modules
August 9, 2019
Commutative Algebra
Algebraic Geometry
We investigate the Weak Lefschetz Properties for modules whose minimal free
resolutions are given by generalized Kosuzl complexes in dimension three
through a careful study of their Betti numbers and the symmetry and unimodality
of their Hi...
Toward a Taxonomy of Inventory Systems for Virtual Reality Games
August 9, 2019
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Computer Science
Human-Computer Interaction
Virtual reality (VR) games are gradually becoming more elaborated and
feature-rich, but fail to reach the complexity of traditional digital games.
One common feature that is used to extend and organize complex gameplay is the
in-game invent...
Sharp energy regularity and typicality results for H\"older solutions of
incompressible Euler equations
August 8, 2019
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Analysis of PDEs
Analysis of PDEs
This paper is devoted to show a couple of typicality results for weak
solutions v∈Cθ of the Euler equations, in the case θ<1/3. It
is known that convex integration schemes produce wild weak solutions that
exhibit anomalous...
Multi-view Deep Subspace Clustering Networks
August 6, 2019
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Computer Science
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Machine Learning
Multi-view subspace clustering aims to discover the inherent structure of
data by fusing multiple views of complementary information. Most existing
methods first extract multiple types of handcrafted features and then learn a
joint affinity...
Bounding Radon numbers via Betti numbers
August 5, 2019
We prove general topological Radon-type theorems for sets in Rd or
on a surface. Combined with a recent result of Holmsen and Lee, we also obtain
fractional Helly theorem, and consequently the existence of weak
Structure of Resource Theory of Block Coherence
August 5, 2019
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Quantum Physics
Emerging from the superposition principle, the resource theory of coherence
plays a crucial role in many information-processing tasks. Recently, a
generalization to this resource theory was investigated with respect to
arbitrary positive op...
A two-parameter entropy and its fundamental properties
August 5, 2019
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Computer Science
Mathematical Physics
Information Theory
Information Theory
Mathematical Physics
This article proposes a new two-parameter generalized entropy, which can be
reduced to the Tsallis and the Shannon entropy for specific values of its
parameters. We develop a number of information-theoretic properties of this
generalized en...
Squaring the Circle Revisited
August 3, 2019
General Mathematics
General Mathematics
Squaring the circle is impossible, but it can be squared approximately.
Ramanujan gave a construction correct to eight decimal places. In his book
Mathographics, Dixon gave constructions correct to three decimal places. In
this article, we ...
Typing Tensor Calculus in 2-Categories (I)
August 3, 2019
Category Theory
Category Theory
To formalize calculations in linear algebra for the development of efficient
algorithms and a framework suitable for functional programming languages and
faster parallelized computations, we adopt an approach that treats elements of
linear ...