Structure and Sensitivity in Differential Privacy: Comparing K-Norm
January 28, 2018
Differential privacy (DP), provides a framework for provable privacy
protection against arbitrary adversaries, while allowing the release of summary
statistics and synthetic data. We address the problem of releasing a noisy
real-valued stat...
Affine Schubert calculus and double coinvariants
January 26, 2018
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Algebraic Geometry
Algebraic Geometry
We define an action of the double coinvariant algebra
DRn​ on the equivariant Borel-Moore homology of the affine flag variety
Fln​ in type A, which has an explicit form in terms of
the left and right action of the (e...
Modular invariants for real quadratic fields and Kloosterman sums
January 24, 2018
Number Theory
We investigate the asymptotic distribution of integrals of the j-function
that are associated to ideal classes in a real quadratic field. To estimate the
error term in our asymptotic formula, we prove a bound for sums of Kloosterman
sums ...
High energy leptonic originated neutrinos from astrophysical objects
January 23, 2018
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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
The standard perception is that the detection of high energy (TeV energies
and above) neutrinos from an astrophysical object is a conclusive evidence for
the presence of hadronic cosmic rays at the source. In the present work we
Discovering the Signal Subgraph: An Iterative Screening Approach on
January 23, 2018
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Supervised learning on graphs is a challenging task due to the high
dimensionality and inherent structural dependencies in the data, where each
edge depends on a pair of vertices. Existing conventional methods are designed
for standard Eucl...
A McKean--Vlasov equation with positive feedback and blow-ups
January 23, 2018
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Analysis of PDEs
We study a McKean--Vlasov equation arising from a mean-field model of a
particle system with positive feedback. As particles hit a barrier they cause
the other particles to jump in the direction of the barrier and this feedback
mechanism le...
Precision big bang nucleosynthesis with improved Helium-4 predictions
January 22, 2018
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Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
Nuclear Theory
Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
Nuclear Theory
Primordial nucleosynthesis is one of the three historical evidences for the
big bang model, together with the expansion of the universe and the cosmic
microwave background. Now that the number of neutrino families and the baryonic
Vector valued Hardy spaces related to analytic functions having
distributional boundary values
January 20, 2018
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Functional Analysis
The Hardy space Hp of vector valued analytic functions in tube domains
in Cn and with values in Banach space are defined. Vector valued
analytic functions in tube domains in Cn with values in Hilbert
space a...
Pseudogap in electron-doped cuprates: Strong correlation leading to band
January 12, 2018
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Strongly Correlated Electrons
Strongly Correlated Electrons
The pseudogap phenomena have been a long-standing mystery of the cuprate
high-temperature superconductors. The pseudogap in the electron-doped cuprates
has been attributed to band folding due to antiferromagnetic (AFM) long-range
order or s...
Soft Hair of Dynamical Black Hole and Hawking Radiation
January 11, 2018
High Energy Physics - Theory
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
Soft hair of black hole has been proposed recently to play an important role
in the resolution of the black hole information paradox. Recent work has
emphasized that the soft modes cannot affect the black hole S-matrix due to
Weinberg soft ...