Third-order correction to top-quark pair production near threshold I.
Effective theory set-up and matching coefficients
December 17, 2013
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High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
This is the first in a series of papers, in which we compute the third-order
QCD corrections to top-antitop production near threshold in e+ e- collisions.
The present paper provides a detailed outline of the strategy of computation in
the f...
The Kirby torus trick for surfaces
December 12, 2013
Geometric Topology
Geometric Topology
This is an expository paper giving a proof of the existence and uniqueness of
smooth structures (hence also PL structures) on topological surfaces. Most
published proofs rely on the topological Schoenflies theorem, but here we use
instead t...
On the Plaque Expansivity Conjecture
November 27, 2013
Dynamical Systems
Dynamical Systems
It is one of the main properties of uniformly hyperbolic dynamics that points
of two distinct trajectories cannot be uniformly close one to another. This
characteristics of hyperbolic dynamics is called expansivity. Hirsch, Pugh and
Shub, 1...
Categorical Cell Decomposition of Quantized Symplectic Algebraic
November 26, 2013
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Algebraic Geometry
Quantum Algebra
Symplectic Geometry
We prove a new symplectic analogue of Kashiwara's Equivalence from D-module
theory. As a consequence, we establish a structure theory for module categories
over deformation quantizations that mirrors, at a higher categorical level, the
Well-posedness for a system of quadratic derivative nonlinear
Schr\"odinger equations with low regularity periodic initial data
November 24, 2013
Analysis of PDEs
We consider the Cauchy problem of a system of quadratic derivative nonlinear
Schr\"odinger equations which was introduced by M. Colin and T. Colin (2004) as
a model of laser-plasma interaction. For the nonperiodic case, the author
proved th...
Beyond journals and peer review: towards a more flexible ecosystem for
scholarly communication
November 18, 2013
Computer Science
Physics and Society
Digital Libraries
This article challenges the assumption that journals and peer review are
essential for developing,evaluating and disseminating scientific and other
academic knowledge. It suggests a more flexible ecosystem, and examines some of
the possibil...
Another Proof of Segre's Theorem about Ovals
November 13, 2013
Number Theory
Number Theory
In 1955 B. Segre showed that any oval in a projective plane over a finite
field of odd order is a conic. His proof constructs a conic which matches the
oval in some points and tangents, and then shows that it actually coincides
with the ova...
Chow groups of ind-schemes and extensions of Saito's filtration
November 7, 2013
Algebraic Geometry
Algebraic Geometry
Let K be a field of characteristic zero and let Sm/K be the category of
smooth and separated schemes over K. For an ind-scheme X (and more
generally for any presheaf of sets on Sm/K), we define its Chow groups
Quasi-Invariance under Flows Generated by Non-Linear PDEs
November 1, 2013
Analysis of PDEs
The paper is concerned with the change of probability measures μ along
non-random probability measure valued trajectories νt, t∈[−1,1].
Typically solutions to non-linear PDEs, modeling spatial development as time
progresses, g...
Active and sterile neutrino oscillations inside the Sun in a
phenomenological (3+1+2)-model
October 22, 2013
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
The phenomenological model with three active and three light sterile
neutrinos is considered taking into account terrestrial experimental data,
which indicate anomalies at short distances beyond the minimally modified
Standard Model with th...