A Condition in Mean Curvature Prescriptions for Conformal Metrics on the
January 5, 2013
Differential Geometry
This paper considers the prescribed zero scalar curvature and mean curvature
problem on the n-dimensional Euclidean ball for n≥3. Given a
rotationally symmetric function H:∂Bn→R, in this work,
we will prove th...
A paradox on the spectral representation of stationary random processes
December 27, 2012
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Other Statistics
Other Statistics
In this note our aim is to show a paradox in the spectral representation of
stationary random processes....
A note on strong edge-colorings of 2-degenerate graphs
December 25, 2012
We show that every 2-degenerate graph with maximum degree Δ has a
strong edge-coloring with at most 8Δ−4 colors....
Modeling and performance evaluation of computer systems security
December 20, 2012
Computer Science
Cryptography and Security
Systems and Control
Optimization and Control
A model of computer system security operation is developed based on the
fork-join queueing network formalism. We introduce a security operation
performance measure, and show how it may be used to performance evaluation of
actual systems....
Probability Bracket Notation: Markov Sequence Projector of Visible and
Hidden Markov Models in Dynamic Bayesian Networks
December 16, 2012
Computer Science
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
With the symbolic framework of Probability Bracket Notation (PBN), the Markov
Sequence Projector (MSP) is introduced to expand the evolution formula of
Homogeneous Markov Chains (HMCs). The well-known weather example, a Visible
Markov Model...
Koszul complexes and spectra of projective hypersurfaces with isolated
December 5, 2012
Algebraic Geometry
For a projective hypersurface Z with isolated singularities, we generalize
some well-known assertions in the nonsingular case due to Griffiths, Scherk,
Steenbrink, Varchenko, and others about the relations between the Steenbrink
Anisotropy and asymptotic degeneracy of the physical-Hilbert-space
inner-product metrics in an exactly solvable crypto-unitary quantum model
December 4, 2012
Quantum Physics
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
In quantum mechanics (formulated, say, in Schr\"{o}dinger picture) only the
knowledge of a complete set of observables Λj enables us to declare
the related physical inner product (i.e., the Hilbert-space metric Θ
such that $...
Unlinking and unknottedness of monotone Lagrangian submanifolds
November 28, 2012
Symplectic Geometry
Differential Geometry
Under certain topological assumptions, we show that two monotone Lagrangian
submanifolds embedded in the standard symplectic vector space with the same
monotonicity constant cannot link one another and that, individually, their
smooth knot ...
Algebraic and geometric aspects of bipartite planar graphs
November 28, 2012
Commutative Algebra
Let B_{2t} be a bipartite planar graph with an even number of regions. We are
able to find bounds for the graded Betti numbers and the projective dimension
of the quotient ring associated to the graph. We also will investigate the
minimal v...
On strong orthogonality and strictly convex normed linear spaces
November 27, 2012
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Functional Analysis
We introduce the notion of strongly orthogonal set relative to an element in
the sense of Birkhoff-James in a normed linear space to find a necessary and
sufficient condition for an element x of the unit sphere SX to be an