Characterizing closed curves on Riemann surfaces via homology groups of
November 9, 2011
Algebraic Topology
Group Theory
Let S be a hyperbolic oriented Riemann surface of finite type. The main
purpose of this paper is to show that non-trivial geometric intersection
between closed curves on S is detected by some symplectic submodules they
naturally determi...
General Lagrangian Formulation for Higher Spin Fields with Arbitrary
Index Symmetry. I. Bosonic fields
October 23, 2011
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High Energy Physics - Theory
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Representation Theory
High Energy Physics - Theory
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Representation Theory
We construct a Lagrangian description of irreducible integer higher-spin
representations of the Poincare group with an arbitrary Young tableaux having k
rows, on a basis of the universal BRST approach. Starting with a description of
On the solution of the Collatz problem
October 16, 2011
General Mathematics
In this paper, we propose a key idea and innovation on the Collatz problem.
Let an odd Collatz's Sequence be Sc(m,t)={n0(m,t),n1(m,t),n2(m,t),…,nm(m,t),nm+1(m,t)} produced by a function $n_{i+1}(m,t)=(3n_{i}(m...
On the cactus rank of cubics forms
October 10, 2011
Algebraic Geometry
Commutative Algebra
We prove that the smallest degree of an apolar 0-dimensional scheme of a
general cubic form in n+1 variables is at most 2n+2, when n≥8, and
therefore smaller than the rank of the form. For the general reducible cubic
form the smal...
The automorphism group of Mg,n
October 7, 2011
Algebraic Geometry
Let Mg,n be the moduli stack parametrizing
Deligne-Mumford stable n-pointed genus g curves and let
Mg,n be its coarse moduli space: the Deligne-Mumford
compactification of the moduli space of $n...
Sharp estimates for the convergence rate of Orthomin(k) for a class of
linear systems
September 12, 2011
Computer Science
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Analysis
In this work we show that the convergence rate of Orthomin(k) applied to
systems of the form (I+ρU)x=b, where U is a unitary operator and
0<ρ<1, is less than or equal to ρ. Moreover, we give examples of
operators U ...
VBFNLO: A parton level Monte Carlo for processes with electroweak bosons
-- Manual for Version 3.0
July 20, 2011
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High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
High Energy Physics - Experiment
VBFNLO is a flexible parton level Monte Carlo program for the simulation of
vector boson fusion (VBF), QCD-induced single and double vector boson
production plus two jets, and double and triple vector boson production (plus
jet) in hadronic...
Probabilistic Methods on Erdos Problems
July 17, 2011
Computer Science
Discrete Mathematics
The ideas here are a continuation of a previous article. Some of the
applications of the main ideas in the previous article are explained, along
with some limitations of the general ideas. There are situations where
additional hypotheses al...
La formule des traces pour les rev\^etements de groupes r\'eductifs
connexes. II. Analyse harmonique locale
July 10, 2011
Representation Theory
We establish some results in local harmonic analysis which are necessary for
Arthur's invariant trace formula for coverings of connected reductive groups.
More precisely, for local coverings we will study (1) the Plancherel formula
and its ...
Some scales in neutrino physics
June 28, 2011
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
The problem of an active neutrinos mass origin is considered at the
phenomenological level. At first an assumption is made that neutrino mass
values depend on two contributions with their characteristic scales, a next
assumption consists in...