Homoclinic points of symplectic partially hyperbolic systems with 2D
October 20, 2015
Dynamical Systems
We consider a generic symplectic partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism close to
direct/skew products of symplectic Anosov diffeomorphisms with area-preserving
diffeomorphisms and prove that every hyperbolic periodic point has transverse
The p-cycle of Holonomic D-modules and Quantization of Exact Algebraic
October 19, 2015
Algebraic Geometry
Let X=An be complex affine space, and let T∗X be its
cotangent bundle. For any exact Lagrangian L⊂T∗X, we define a new
invariant, A, living in DivQ/Z(L). We call this
invariant t...
Probing the Dark Sector with Dark Matter Bound States
October 16, 2015
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High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
High Energy Physics - Experiment
A model of dark sector where O(fewGeV) mass dark matter particles
χ couple to a lighter dark force mediator V, mV≪mχ, is
motivated by the recently discovered mismatch between simulated and observed
shapes of galac...
Pathway Tools version 28.0: Integrated Software for Pathway/Genome
Informatics and Systems Biology
October 14, 2015
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Quantitative Biology
Quantitative Methods
Pathway Tools is a bioinformatics software environment with a broad set of
capabilities. The software provides genome-informatics tools such as a genome
browser, sequence alignments, a genome-variant analyzer, and
comparative-genomics opera...
Quantum Advantages in (n,d)->1 Random Access Codes
October 11, 2015
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Computer Science
Quantum Physics
Computational Complexity
Information Theory
Information Theory
A random access code (RAC), corresponding to a communication primitive with
various applications in quantum information theory, is an instance of a
preparation-and-measurement scenario. In this work, we consider (n,d)-RACs
constituting an "...
Plug-in error bounds for a mixing density estimate in Rd, and for its
October 7, 2015
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
A mixture density, fp, is estimable in Rd,d≥1, but an estimate
for the mixing density, p, is usually obtained only when d is unity; h is
the mixture's kernel. When fp's estimate has form fp^n and p is
The G-invariant and catenary data of a matroid
October 2, 2015
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The catenary data of a matroid M of rank r on n elements is the vector
(ν(M;a0,a1,…,ar)), indexed by compositions (a0,a1,…,ar),
where a0≥0,\, ai>0 for i≥1, and a0+a1+⋯+ar=n, w...
Smith Normal Form of Matrices Associated with Differential Posets
October 2, 2015
We prove a conjecture of Miller and Reiner on the existence of Smith normal
form for the DU-operators for a certain class of r-differential posets....
Parabolic and near-parabolic renormalizations for local degree three
September 30, 2015
Dynamical Systems
The invariant class under parabolic and near-parabolic renormalizations
constructed by Inou and Shishikura has been proved to be extremely useful in
recent years. It leads to several important progresses on the dynamics of
certain holomorph...
Properties of Eventually Positive Linear Input-Output Systems
September 28, 2015
Computer Science
Optimization and Control
Systems and Control
In this paper, we consider the systems with trajectories originating in the
nonnegative orthant becoming nonnegative after some finite time transient.
First we consider dynamical systems (i.e., fully observable systems with no
inputs), whic...