Identification of Treatment Effects under Limited Exogenous Variation
November 24, 2018
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Multidimensional heterogeneity and endogeneity are important features of a
wide class of econometric models. With control variables to correct for
endogeneity, nonparametric identification of treatment effects requires strong
support condit...
Amalgamation and Keisler's Order
November 24, 2018
Malliaris and Shelah famously proved that Keisler's order ⊴
has infinitely many classes. In more detail, for each 2≤k<n<ω,
let Tn,k be the theory of the random k-ary n-clique free hypergraph.
On three domination-based identification problems in block graphs
November 23, 2018
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Computer Science
Discrete Mathematics
The problems of determining the minimum-sized \emph{identifying},
\emph{locating-dominating} and \emph{open locating-dominating codes} of an
input graph are special search problems that are challenging from both
theoretical and computationa...
Three-term Machin-type formulae
November 22, 2018
Number Theory
We shall show that there exist only finitely many nondegenerate three-term
Machin-type formulae and give explicit upper bounds for the sizes of variables....
The electron self-energy in QED at two loops revisited
November 22, 2018
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High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
We reconsider the two-loop electron self-energy in quantum electrodynamics.
We present a modern calculation, where all relevant two-loop integrals are
expressed in terms of iterated integrals of modular forms. As boundary points
of the iter...
How to find MH370?
November 22, 2018
Electrical Engineering and Systems Science
Signal Processing
The disappearance of flight MH370 is possibly the greatest mystery in
aviation history. A large zone in the Southern Indian Ocean was searched
unsuccessfully leaving an open case and an unacceptable situation for the
family members. We disc...
A logarithmic bound for the chromatic number of the associahedron
November 21, 2018
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We show that the chromatic number of the n-dimensional associahedron grows
at most logarithmically with n, improving a bound from and proving a
conjecture of Fabila-Monroy et al. (2009)....
On the geometry of metallic pseudo-Riemannian structures
November 21, 2018
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General Mathematics
General Mathematics
We generalize the notion of metallic structure in the pseudo-Riemannian
setting, define the metallic Norden structure and study its integrability. We
consider metallic maps between metallic manifolds and give conditions under
which they are...
Abstract Bivariant Cuntz Semigroups II
November 21, 2018
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Operator Algebras
Operator Algebras
We previously showed that abstract Cuntz semigroups form a closed symmetric
monoidal category. This automatically provides additional structure in the
category, such as a composition and an external tensor product, for which we
give concret...
Operator-norm homogenisation estimates for the system of Maxwell
equations on periodic singular structures
November 21, 2018
Analysis of PDEs
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
For arbitrarily small values of ε>0, we formulate and analyse the
Maxwell system of equations of electromagnetism on ε-periodic sets
Sε⊂R3. Assuming that a family of Borel measures