Extended MinP Tests for Global and Multiple testing
November 12, 2019
Empirical economic studies often involve multiple propositions or hypotheses,
with researchers aiming to assess both the collective and individual evidence
against these propositions or hypotheses. To rigorously assess this evidence,
Investigating Constraint Programming and Hybrid Methods for Real World
Industrial Test Laboratory Scheduling
November 12, 2019
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Computer Science
Artificial Intelligence
In this paper we deal with a complex real world scheduling problem closely
related to the well-known Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem
(RCPSP). The problem concerns industrial test laboratories in which a large
number of tests...
Two Ridge Solutions for the Incremental Broad Learning System on Added
November 12, 2019
Computer Science
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
The original Broad Learning System (BLS) on new added nodes and its existing
efficient implementation both assume the ridge parameter lambda -> 0 in the
ridge inverse to approximate the generalized inverse, and compute the
generalized inver...
Numerical Simulation of Jet Mode in Electrospraying of Newtonian and
Viscoelastic Fluids
November 12, 2019
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Fluid Dynamics
The purpose of this article is to explore the role of viscoelastic properties
of polymeric solutions on the jet mode in the electrospray process. In this
research, several numerical simulations were performed to model the behavior of
On the direct product of fields with an application
November 11, 2019
Commutative Algebra
Algebraic Geometry
In this paper, the (infinite) direct product of fields is investigated. In
particular, the finiteness of a given set is characterized in terms of some
ring-theoretic observations. Next, a certain localization (whose multiplicative
set forme...
Scaling limit of soliton lengths in a multicolor box-ball system
November 11, 2019
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Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Cellular Automata and Lattice Gases
Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems
The box-ball systems are integrable cellular automata whose long-time
behavior is characterized by soliton solutions, with rich connections to other
integrable systems such as the Korteweg-de Vries equation. In this paper, we
consider a mul...
Robust M{\o}lmer-S{\o}rensen gate for neutral atoms using rapid
adiabatic Rydberg dressing
November 10, 2019
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Quantum Physics
Atomic Physics
Quantum Physics
Atomic Physics
The Rydberg blockade mechanism is now routinely considered for entangling
qubits encoded in clock states of neutral atoms. Challenges towards
implementing entangling gates with high fidelity include errors due to thermal
motion of atoms, la...
The fastest series for 1/π due to Ramanujan. Proofs from modular
November 10, 2019
Number Theory
Number Theory
First we give formulas for proving Ramanujan series for 1/π, Then, as an
example, we apply them for providing complete proofs of the fastest series for
1/π due to Ramanujan using Russell and Weber modular polynomials....
Measuring the Time-Varying Market Efficiency in the Prewar and Wartime
Japanese Stock Market, 1924-1943
November 10, 2019
Quantitative Finance
Statistical Finance
General Economics
General Finance
This study explores the time-varying structure of market efficiency in the
prewar and wartime Japanese stock market using a new market
capitalization-weighted stock price index, the equity performance index. We
examine whether the adaptive ...
Some dynamical properties of delayed weakly reversible mass-action
November 9, 2019
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Dynamical Systems
This paper focuses on the dynamical properties of delayed complex balanced
systems. We first study the relationship between the stoichiometric
compatibility classes of delayed and non-delayed systems. Using this relation
we give another way...