Propagation through metamaterial temporal slabs: transmission,
reflection and special cases
November 8, 2019
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Classical Physics
Classical Physics
Time-varying metamaterials are artificial materials whose electromagnetic
properties change over time. Similar to a spatial medium discontinuity, a
sudden change in time of the metamaterial refractive index induces the
generation of a refle...
On loop Deligne--Lusztig varieties of Coxeter-type for inner forms of
November 8, 2019
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Algebraic Geometry
Number Theory
Representation Theory
Algebraic Geometry
Number Theory
Representation Theory
For a reductive group G over a local non-archimedean field K one can
mimic the construction from the classical Deligne--Lusztig theory by using the
loop space functor. We study this construction in special the case that G is
an inner ...
Displacement energy of Lagrangian 3-spheres
November 8, 2019
Symplectic Geometry
We estimate the displacement energy of Lagrangian 3-spheres in a symplectic
6-manifold X, by estimating the displacement energy of a one-parameter family
Lλ of Lagrangian tori near the sphere. The proof establishes a new
Intersubjectivity and value reproducibility of outcomes of quantum
November 8, 2019
General Physics
Quantum Physics
Every measurement determines a single value as its outcome, and yet quantum
mechanics predicts it only probabilistically. The Kochen-Specker theorem and
Bell's inequality are often considered to reject a realist view but favor a
skeptical v...
Controlled objects in left-exact ∞-categories and the Novikov
November 6, 2019
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K-Theory and Homology
Algebraic Topology
Metric Geometry
We associate to every G-bornological coarse space X and every left-exact
∞-category with G-action a left-exact infinity-category of equivariant
X-controlled objects. Postcomposing with algebraic K-theory leads to {new}
Reinterpreting the Middle-Levels Theorem via Natural Enumeration of
Ordered Trees
November 5, 2019
Let 0<k∈Z. A reinterpretation of the proof of existence of
Hamilton cycles in the middle-levels graph Mk induced by the vertices of the
(2k+1)-cube representing the k- and (k+1)-subsets of {0,…,2k} is
given vi...
Intriguing Properties of Adversarial ML Attacks in the Problem Space
[Extended Version]
November 5, 2019
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Computer Science
Cryptography and Security
Machine Learning
Recent research efforts on adversarial machine learning (ML) have
investigated problem-space attacks, focusing on the generation of real evasive
objects in domains where, unlike images, there is no clear inverse mapping to
the feature space...
Strichartz estimates and low-regularity solutions to multiplicative
stochastic NLS
November 5, 2019
Analysis of PDEs
We study Strichartz estimates with very rough potentials, the spatial white
noise on the 2 dimensional torus being of particular interest. Applications
include solving the multiplicative stochastic NLS with general integer powers
in a low-r...
Sarnak's conjecture in quantum computing, cyclotomic unitary group
coranks, and Shimura curves
November 5, 2019
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Number Theory
Group Theory
Sarnak's conjecture in quantum computing concerns when the groups
PU2 and PSU2 over cyclotomic rings
Z[ζn,1/2] with ζn=e2πi/n, 4∣n, are generated by
the Clifford-cyclotomic...
Controllability and Vector Potential
November 4, 2019
Computer Science
Electrical Engineering and Systems Science
Optimization and Control
Systems and Control
Systems and Control
Optimization and Control
Systems and Control
Systems and Control
Kalman's fundamental notion of a controllable state space system \cite{k} has
been generalised to higher order systems by Willems \cite{w}, and further to
distributed systems defined by partial differential equations \cite{ps}. It
turns out...