Firm Entry and Exit with Unbounded Productivity Growth
October 29, 2019
Quantitative Finance
General Economics
In Hopenhayn's (1992) entry-exit model productivity is bounded, implying that
the predicted firm size distribution cannot match the power law tail observable
in the data. In this paper we remove the boundedness assumption and, in this
more ...
STEP: Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks for Emotion
Perception from Gaits
October 28, 2019
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Computer Science
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
We present a novel classifier network called STEP, to classify perceived
human emotion from gaits, based on a Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional
Network (ST-GCN) architecture. Given an RGB video of an individual walking, our
formulation i...
Testing Forecast Rationality for Measures of Central Tendency
October 28, 2019
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Quantitative Finance
General Economics
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
Rational respondents to economic surveys may report as a point forecast any
measure of the central tendency of their (possibly latent) predictive
distribution, for example the mean, median, mode, or any convex combination
thereof. We propos...
Affine Connections in Quantum Gravity and New Scalar Fields
October 28, 2019
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
In this manuscript, we will discuss the construction of covariant derivative
operator in quantum gravity. We will find it is more perceptive alternative to
use affine connections more general than metric compatible connections in
quantum gr...
Representation Theory and Differential Equations
October 28, 2019
Differential Geometry
Analysis of PDEs
Group Theory
We study the geometry and partial differential equations arising from the
consideration of group-determinants, and representation theory. The simplest
and most striking such example is undoubtedly that of the Humbert operator,
associated wi...
List colouring triangle free planar graphs
October 28, 2019
This paper proves the following result: Assume G is a triangle free planar
graph, X is an independent set of G. If L is a list assignment of G
such that ∣L(v)∣=4 for each vertex v∈V(G)−X and ∣L(v)∣=3 fo...
Most Odd-Degree Binary Forms Fail to Primitively Represent a Square
October 27, 2019
Number Theory
Algebraic Geometry
Representation Theory
Let F be a separable integral binary form of odd degree N≥5. A
result of Darmon and Granville known as ``Faltings plus epsilon'' implies that
the degree-N \emph{superelliptic equation} y2=F(x,z) has finitely many
primitive i...
The k-adjacency operators and adjacency Jacobi matrix on
distance-regular graphs
October 27, 2019
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
We deal in this work with a class of graphs, namely, the class of
distance-regular graphs, in which on the basis of k-adjacency operators, the
adjacency operator A of a distance-regular graph is identified as a Jacobi
matrix. To get so,...
Necessary Conditions In Infinite-Horizon Control Problem That Need No
Asymptotic Assumptions
October 26, 2019
Optimization and Control
We consider an infinite-horizon optimal control problem with an asymptotic
terminal constraint. For the the weakly overtaking criterion and the overtaking
criterion, necessary boundary conditions on co-state arcs are deduced, these
Model theory of differential-henselian pre-H-fields
October 26, 2019
Commutative Algebra
Pre-H-fields are ordered valued differential fields satisfying some basic
axioms coming from transseries and Hardy fields. We study pre-H-fields that
are differential-Hensel-Liouville closed, that is, differential-henselian, real