Donor's Deferral and Return Behavior: Partial Identification from a
Regression Discontinuity Design with Manipulation
October 4, 2019
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Machine Learning
Volunteer labor can temporarily yield lower benefits to charities than its
costs. In such instances, organizations may wish to defer volunteer donations
to a later date. Exploiting a discontinuity in blood donations' eligibility
criteria, w...
Method for the semantic indexing of concept hierarchies, uniform
representation, use of relational database systems and generic and case-based
October 3, 2019
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Computer Science
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence
This paper presents a method for semantic indexing and describes its
application in the field of knowledge representation. Starting point of the
semantic indexing is the knowledge represented by concept hierarchies. The goal
is to assign ke...
Dark energy and inflation invoked in CCGG by locally contorted
October 2, 2019
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General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
The cosmological implications of the Covariant Canonical Gauge Theory of
Gravity (CCGG) are investigated. We deduce that, in a metric compatible
geometry, the requirement of covariant conservation of matter invokes torsion
of space-time. In...
Large deviation bounds for the Airy point process
October 2, 2019
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
In this paper, we establish the first large deviation bounds for the Airy
point process. The proof is based on a novel approach which relies upon the
approximation of the Airy point process using the Gaussian unitary ensemble
(GUE) up to an...
Confidence intervals for median absolute deviations
October 1, 2019
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
The median absolute deviation (MAD) is a robust measure of scale that is
simple to implement and easy to interpret. Motivated by this, we introduce
interval estimators of the MAD to make reliable inferences for dispersion for a
single popul...
Integrable evolutions of twisted polygons in centro-affine
September 29, 2019
Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems
Differential Geometry
We show that discrete Wm lattices are bi-Hamiltonian, using geometric
realizations of discretizations of the Adler-Gel'fand-Dikii flows as local
evolutions of arc length-parametrized polygons in centro-affine space. We prove
the compatib...
Proof of the Goldbach's Strong Conjecture by Using Semi-Continuous Model
of Even Numbers
September 29, 2019
Number Theory
History and Overview
In this paper, we present an explicit and analytic proof for still unproven
Goldbach's strong conjecture. To derive this proof, we first define a heuristic
model for representing even numbers called Semi-continuous Model for Even
Numbers or...
A Non-perturbative General Approximation Scheme (NGAS) for Interacting
Quantum Systems with Perturbation Theory for Arbitrary Strength of
September 27, 2019
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Quantum Physics
High Energy Physics - Theory
Quantum Physics
High Energy Physics - Theory
A non-perturbative general approximation scheme (NGAS) is presented which is
potentially applicable for arbitrary strength of interaction in quantum theory.
The scheme utilizes an input Hamiltonian, which is exactly solvable. The
effects of...
Towards a Coq-verified Chain of Esterel Semantics
September 27, 2019
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Computer Science
Formal Languages and Automata Theory
Logic in Computer Science
Programming Languages
Formal Languages and Automata Theory
Logic in Computer Science
Programming Languages
This paper focuses on formally specifying and verifying the chain of formal
semantics of the Esterel synchronous programming language using the Coq proof
assistant. In particular, in addition to the standard logical (LBS) semantics,
On the Approximation Ratio of the k-Opt and Lin-Kernighan Algorithm
September 27, 2019
Computer Science
Discrete Mathematics
Data Structures and Algorithms
The k-Opt and Lin-Kernighan algorithm are two of the most important local
search approaches for the Metric TSP. Both start with an arbitrary tour and
make local improvements in each step to get a shorter tour. We show that for
any fixed $...