Dispersion relation formalism for the two-photon exchange correction to
elastic muon-proton scattering: elastic intermediate state
March 14, 2018
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Nuclear Experiment
Nuclear Theory
We evaluate the two-photon exchange correction to the unpolarized cross
section in the elastic muon-proton scattering within dispersion relations. One
of the six independent invariant amplitudes requires a subtraction. We fix the
A primer on the use of probability generating functions in infectious
disease modeling
March 14, 2018
Quantitative Biology
Populations and Evolution
Physics and Society
Quantitative Methods
We explore the application of probability generating functions (PGFs) to
invasive processes, focusing on infectious disease introduced into large
populations. Our goal is to acquaint the reader with applications of PGFs,
moreso than to deri...
A generalization of Croot-Lev-Pach's Lemma and a new upper bound for the
size of difference sets in polynomial rings
March 14, 2018
Number Theory
Croot, Lev and Pach used a new polynomial technique to give a new exponential
upper bound for the size of three-term progression-free subsets in the groups
The main tool in proving their striking result is a simple lem...
Star product on L2(Sn), n=2,3,5
March 13, 2018
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
We consider the bounded linear operators with domain in the Hilbert space
L2(Sn), n=2,3,5 and describe its symbolic calculus defined by the Berezin
quantization. In particular, we derive an explicit formula for the composition
of Bere...
Normalization of rationally integrable systems
March 13, 2018
Dynamical Systems
Dynamical Systems
In two previous papers we showed that any analytically integrable vector
field admits a local analytic Poincar\'e-Birkhoff normalization in the
neighborhood of a singular point. The aim of this paper is to extend this
analytic normalization...
Certificates in P and Subquadratic-Time Computation of Radius, Diameter,
and all Eccentricities in Graphs
March 13, 2018
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Computer Science
Discrete Mathematics
Data Structures and Algorithms
Networking and Internet Architecture
In the context of fine-grained complexity, we investigate the notion of
certificate enabling faster polynomial-time algorithms. We specifically target
radius (minimum eccentricity), diameter (maximum eccentricity), and
all-eccentricity comp...
Counting of Shortest Paths in Cubic Grid
March 12, 2018
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Computer Science
Discrete Mathematics
Computational Geometry
The enumeration of shortest paths in cubic grid is presented herein, which
could have importance in image processing and also in the network sciences. The
cubic grid considers three neighborhoods - namely, 6-, 18- and 26-neighborhood
On some Hamiltonian properties of the isomonodromic tau functions
March 12, 2018
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems
We discuss some new aspects of the theory of the Jimbo-Miwa-Ueno tau function
which have come to light within the recent developments in the global
asymptotic analysis of the tau functions related to the Painlev\'e equations.
Specifically, ...
Enskog kinetic theory for a model of a confined quasi-two-dimensional
granular fluid
March 9, 2018
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Statistical Mechanics
The Navier-Stokes transport coefficients for a model of a confined
quasi-two-dimensional granular gas of smooth inelastic hard spheres are derived
from the Enskog kinetic equation. A normal solution to this kinetic equation is
obtained via ...
Inner Product in Highest-Weight Representation
March 7, 2018
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Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
In this paper, we study the inner product of states corresponding to weights
of finite-dimensional highest-weight representations of classical groups.
We prove that the action of the raising operators would reduce a state of
hight-weight ...