An application of collapsing levels to the representation theory of
affine vertex algebras
January 30, 2018
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Representation Theory
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Quantum Algebra
Representation Theory
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Quantum Algebra
We discover a large class of simple affine vertex algebras Vk(g), associated to basic Lie superalgebras g at non-admissible
collapsing levels k, having exactly one irreducible g-locally
finite modul...
There is a Hyper-Greedoid lurking behind every Graphical Accessible
Computational Search Problem solvable in Polynomial Time: P=NP
January 30, 2018
Computer Science
Computational Complexity
Consider G[X], where G is a connected, isthmus-less and labelled graph,
and X is the edge-set or the vertex-set of the graph G. A Graphical Search
Problem (GSP), denoted Π(G[X],γ), consists of finding Y, where $Y
Geospatial distributions reflect rates of evolution of features of
January 29, 2018
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Computer Science
Physics and Society
Statistical Mechanics
Computation and Language
Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems
Physics and Society
Statistical Mechanics
Computation and Language
Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems
Quantifying the speed of linguistic change is challenging due to the fact
that the historical evolution of languages is sparsely documented.
Consequently, traditional methods rely on phylogenetic reconstruction. In this
paper, we propose a ...
Interactive Nearest Lattice Point Search in a Distributed Setting: Two
January 29, 2018
Computer Science
Information Theory
Information Theory
The nearest lattice point problem in Rn is formulated in a
distributed network with n nodes. The objective is to minimize the
probability that an incorrect lattice point is found, subject to a constraint
on inter-node communic...
Microscopy for Atomic and Magnetic Structures Based on Thermal Neutron
Fourier-transform Ghost Imaging
January 29, 2018
Quantum Physics
We present a lensless, Fourier-transform ghost imaging scheme by exploring
the fourth-order correlation function of spatially incoherent thermal neutron
waves. This technique is established on the Fermi-Dirac statistics and the
Structure and Sensitivity in Differential Privacy: Comparing K-Norm
January 28, 2018
Differential privacy (DP), provides a framework for provable privacy
protection against arbitrary adversaries, while allowing the release of summary
statistics and synthetic data. We address the problem of releasing a noisy
real-valued stat...
Affine Schubert calculus and double coinvariants
January 26, 2018
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Algebraic Geometry
Algebraic Geometry
We define an action of the double coinvariant algebra
DRn on the equivariant Borel-Moore homology of the affine flag variety
Fln in type A, which has an explicit form in terms of
the left and right action of the (e...
Modular invariants for real quadratic fields and Kloosterman sums
January 24, 2018
Number Theory
We investigate the asymptotic distribution of integrals of the j-function
that are associated to ideal classes in a real quadratic field. To estimate the
error term in our asymptotic formula, we prove a bound for sums of Kloosterman
sums ...
High energy leptonic originated neutrinos from astrophysical objects
January 23, 2018
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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
The standard perception is that the detection of high energy (TeV energies
and above) neutrinos from an astrophysical object is a conclusive evidence for
the presence of hadronic cosmic rays at the source. In the present work we
Discovering the Signal Subgraph: An Iterative Screening Approach on
January 23, 2018
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Supervised learning on graphs is a challenging task due to the high
dimensionality and inherent structural dependencies in the data, where each
edge depends on a pair of vertices. Existing conventional methods are designed
for standard Eucl...