Quadrotor Manipulation System: Development of a Robust Contact Force
Estimation and Impedance Control Scheme Based on DOb and FTRLS
March 29, 2019
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Computer Science
The research on aerial manipulation systems has been increased rapidly in
recent years. These systems are very attractive for a wide range of
applications due to their unique features. However, dynamics, control and
manipulation tasks of su...
Nonlinear fourth order Taylor expansion of lattice Boltzmann schemes
March 29, 2019
Computer Science
Numerical Analysis
Discrete Mathematics
Numerical Analysis
Classical Physics
We propose a formal expansion of multiple relaxation times lattice Boltzmann
schemes in terms of a single infinitesimal numerical variable. The result is a
system of partial differential equations for the conserved moments of the
lattice Bo...
Simple subvector inference on sharp identified set in affine models
March 29, 2019
This paper studies a regularized support function estimator for bounds on
components of the parameter vector in the case in which the identified set is a
polygon. The proposed regularized estimator has three important properties: (i)
it has...
Estimating spillovers using imprecisely measured networks
March 29, 2019
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In many experimental contexts, whether and how network interactions impact
the outcome of interest for both treated and untreated individuals are key
concerns. Networks data is often assumed to perfectly represent these possible
The effective strength of selection in random environment
March 28, 2019
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We analyse a family of two-types Wright-Fisher models with selection in a
random environment and skewed offspring distribution. We provide a calculable
criterion to quantify the impact of different shapes of selection on the fate
of the wea...
Hierarchies for Relatively Hyperbolic Virtually Special Groups
March 28, 2019
Group Theory
Geometric Topology
Wise's Quasiconvex Hierarchy Theorem classifying hyperbolic virtually compact
special groups in terms of quasiconvex hierarchies played an essential role in
Agol's proof of the Virtual Haken Conjecture. Answering a question of Wise, we
One-dimensional charged kaon femtoscopy in p-Pb collisions at
sNN = 5.02 TeV
March 28, 2019
Nuclear Experiment
High Energy Physics - Experiment
The correlations of identical charged kaons were measured in p-Pb collisions
at sNN=5.02 TeV by the ALICE experiment at the LHC. The
femtoscopic invariant radii and correlation strengths were extracted from
one-dimensional k...
A general mathematical framework for understanding the behavior of
heterogeneous stem cell regeneration
March 27, 2019
Quantitative Biology
Populations and Evolution
Cell Behavior
Stem cell heterogeneity is essential for the homeostasis in tissue
development. This paper established a general formulation for understanding the
dynamics of stem cell regeneration with cell heterogeneity and random
transitions of epigenet...
Regularity of limit sets of Anosov representations
March 26, 2019
Differential Geometry
In this paper we establish necessary and sufficient conditions for the limit
set of a projective Anosov representation to be a differentiable submanifold of
projective space with Holder continuous derivatives. We also calculate the
optimal ...
Parallel Experimentation and Competitive Interference on Online
Advertising Platforms
March 26, 2019
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Quantitative Finance
General Economics
This paper studies the measurement of advertising effects on online platforms
when parallel experimentation occurs, that is, when multiple advertisers
experiment concurrently. It provides a framework that makes precise how
parallel experime...