When do common time series estimands have nonparametric causal meaning?
March 4, 2019
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In this paper, we introduce the direct potential outcome system as a
framework for analyzing dynamic causal effects of assignments on outcomes in
observational time series settings. We provide conditions under which common
predictive time s...
Fibers of maps to totally nonnegative spaces
March 4, 2019
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Geometric Topology
Representation Theory
Geometric Topology
Representation Theory
This paper undertakes a study of the structure of the fibers of the Chevalley
exponentiation maps f(i1,…,id). The fibers of these maps
f(i1,…,id) encode the nonnegative real relations amongst
exponentiated Chevalley ...
Albatross: An optimistic consensus algorithm
March 4, 2019
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Computer Science
Cryptography and Security
Cryptography and Security
The consensus protocol is a critical component of distributed ledgers and
blockchains. Achieving consensus over a decentralized network poses challenges
to transaction finality and performance. Currently, the highest-performing
consensus al...
A duality theorem for harmonic maps into inner symmetric spaces
March 3, 2019
Differential Geometry
In this note, we show that for any harmonic map into a non-compact symmetric
space one can find naturally a "dual" harmonic map into a compact symmetric
space which can be constructed from the same basic data (called "potentials" in
the loo...
Uniform exponential mixing for congruence covers of convex cocompact
hyperbolic manifolds
March 2, 2019
Dynamical Systems
Geometric Topology
Spectral Theory
Let Γ be a Zariski dense convex cocompact subgroup contained in an
arithmetic lattice of SO(n,1)∘. We prove uniform
exponential mixing of the geodesic flow for congruence covers of the hyperbolic
manifold $\G...
Model-Based Reinforcement Learning for Atari
March 1, 2019
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Computer Science
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Model-free reinforcement learning (RL) can be used to learn effective
policies for complex tasks, such as Atari games, even from image observations.
However, this typically requires very large amounts of interaction --
substantially more, i...
Local asymptotic properties for the growth rate of a jump-type CIR
February 28, 2019
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In this paper, we consider a one-dimensional jump-type Cox-Ingersoll-Ross
process driven by a Brownian motion and a subordinator, whose growth rate is an
unknown parameter. Considering the process observed continuously or discretely
at high...
Neutrino Quantum Kinetics in Compact Objects
February 28, 2019
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High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Nuclear Theory
Neutrinos play a critical role of transporting energy and changing the lepton
density within core-collapse supernovae and neutron star mergers. The quantum
kinetic equations (QKEs) combine the effects of neutrino-matter interactions
Graph and String Parameters: Connections Between Pathwidth, Cutwidth and
the Locality Number
February 28, 2019
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Computer Science
Data Structures and Algorithms
We investigate the locality number, a recently introduced structural
parameter for strings (with applications in pattern matching with variables),
and its connection to two important graph-parameters, cutwidth and pathwidth.
These connectio...
Opial's inequality in q-Calculus revisited
February 27, 2019
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General Mathematics
We have fundamentally corrected the proofs of the theorems from our paper [9]
by giving an entirely different approach, using quite a simple method based on
applications of some elementary inequalities, well-known H\"older's inequality,