Confidence-Triggered Detection: An Approach to Build Real-time
Tracking-by-detection System
February 1, 2019
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Computer Science
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Real-time object tracking necessitates a delicate balance between speed and
accuracy, a challenge exacerbated by the computational demands of deep learning
methods. In this paper, we propose Confidence-Triggered Detection (CTD), an
Generalized domination structure in cubic graphs
January 30, 2019
The minimum dominating set problem asks for a dominating set with minimum
size. First, we determine some vertices contained in the minimum dominating set
of a graph. Applying a particular scheme to the graph, the resulting graph is
On the Extension of the Gaussian Moat Problem
January 28, 2019
Number Theory
In this paper, we have developed an algorithm for the prime searching in
R3. This problem was proposed by M. Das [Arxiv,2019]. This paper is
an extension of her work. As we know the distribution of primes will get more
Theory of elastic constants of athermal amorphous solids with internal
January 28, 2019
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Soft Condensed Matter
Disordered Systems and Neural Networks
Materials Science
Other Condensed Matter
Statistical Mechanics
A new microscopic derivation of the elastic constants of amorphous solids is
presented within the framework of nonaffine lattice dynamics, which makes use
of a perturbative form of the low-frequency eigenvectors of the dynamical
matrix intr...
On the unification of zero-adjusted cure survival models
January 26, 2019
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Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
This paper proposes a unified version of survival models that accounts for
both zero-adjustment and cure proportions in various latent competing causes,
useful in data where survival times may be zero or cure proportions are
present. These ...
A study on general visual categorization of objects into animal and
plant groups using global shape descriptors with a focus on category-specific
January 25, 2019
Computer Science
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Artificial Intelligence
How do humans distinguish between general categories of objects? In a number
of se-mantic-category deficits, patients are good at making broad
categorization but are un-able to remember fine and specific details. It has
been well accepted t...
Discretized Gradient Flow for Manifold Learning in the Space of
January 25, 2019
Differential Geometry
Gradient descent, or negative gradient flow, is a standard technique in
optimization to find minima of functions. Many implementations of gradient
descent rely on discretized versions, i.e., moving in the gradient direction
for a set step s...
Chapter: Vulnerability of Quantum Information Systems to Collective
January 25, 2019
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Computer Science
Quantum Physics
Computers and Society
Physics and Society
The highly specialist terms `quantum computing' and `quantum information',
together with the broader term `quantum technologies', now appear regularly in
the mainstream media. While this is undoubtedly highly exciting for physicists
and inv...
Benchmarking Time Series Databases with IoTDB-Benchmark for IoT
January 24, 2019
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Computer Science
With the wide application of time series databases (TSDBs) in big data fields
like cluster monitoring and industrial IoT, there have been developed a number
of TSDBs for time series data management. Different TSDBs have test reports
Skeins on Branes
January 23, 2019
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Symplectic Geometry
High Energy Physics - Theory
Geometric Topology
Symplectic Geometry
High Energy Physics - Theory
Geometric Topology
We study 1-parameter families of holomorphic curves with Lagrangian boundary
in Calabi-Yau 3-folds. We show that the expected codimension-1 phenomena can be
organized to match the HOMFLYPT skein relations from quantum topology. It
follows t...