The sharp range of Sobolev spaces is determined in which the Cauchy problem
for the classical Zakharov system is well-posed, which includes existence of
solutions, uniqueness, persistence of initial regularity, and real-analytic
dependence ...
Finite sample properties of parametric MMD estimation: robustness to
misspecification and dependence
December 11, 2019
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Computer Science
Statistics Theory
Machine Learning
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
Machine Learning
Statistics Theory
Many works in statistics aim at designing a universal estimation procedure,
that is, an estimator that would converge to the best approximation of the
(unknown) data generating distribution in a model, without any assumption on
this distrib...
The Integrated Vehicle and Pollster Routing Problem
December 11, 2019
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Optimization and Control
Optimization and Control
The National Statistics Bureau of Ecuador carries out monthly polls to
monitor the evolution of the Consumer Price Index, a metric measuring consumer
prices of essential commodities. These surveys are administered across a
designated set of...
Equivariant cohomology of a complexity-one four-manifold is determined
by combinatorial data
December 11, 2019
Symplectic Geometry
For Hamiltonian circle actions on compact, connected, four-dimensional
manifolds, we give a generators and relations description for the even part of
the equivariant cohomology, as an algebra over the equivariant cohomology of a
point. This...
Prime Values of the Euler Polynomial
December 11, 2019
General Mathematics
This note provides an effective lower bound for the number of primes in the
quadratic progression p=n2+1≤x as x→∞....
Explicit Holomorphic Structures for embeddings of closed 3-manifolds
into C3
December 11, 2019
Complex Variables
Expanding on my former work along with the more recent work of Kasuya and
Takase, we demonstrate that for a given link L⊂M which is
null-homologous in H1(M) and for any smooth oriented 2-plane field η
over L there exists...
An intrinsically hydrodynamic approach to multidimensional QHD systems
December 10, 2019
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Analysis of PDEs
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Analysis of PDEs
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
In this paper we consider the multi-dimensional Quantum Hydrodynamics (QHD)
system, by adopting an intrinsically hydrodynamic approach. The present work
continues the analysis initiated in [6] where the one dimensional case was
studied. Her...
Spatial scale of agglomeration and dispersion: Number, spacing, and the
spatial extent of cities
December 10, 2019
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Quantitative Finance
General Economics
Dynamical Systems
Pattern Formation and Solitons
Cities have become fewer, bigger, and flatter in many countries. Better
transport access has fostered the concentration of economic activities toward
fewer, bigger cities, while each city has become more decentralized. We show
that two type...
Rates of convergence to the local time of Oscillating and Skew Brownian
December 10, 2019
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
In this paper, a class of statistics based on high frequency observations of
oscillating and skew Brownian motion is considered. Their convergence rate
towards the local time of the underlying process is obtained in form of a
functional lim...
Hinged beam dynamics
December 9, 2019
Analysis of PDEs
Analysis of PDEs
In this paper we prove large-time existence and uniqueness of high regularity
weak solutions to some initial/boundary value problems involving a nonlinear
fourth order wave equation. These sorts of problems arise naturally in the
study of v...