Integrable systems associated to the filtrations of Lie algebras
December 6, 2019
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Symplectic Geometry
Group Theory
Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems
In 1983 Bogoyavlenski conjectured that if the Euler equations on a Lie
algebra g0 are integrable, then their certain extensions to
semisimple lie algebras g related to the filtrations of Lie
algebras $\mathfrak g_0\...
Towards better social crisis data with HERMES: Hybrid sensing for
EmeRgency ManagEment System
December 4, 2019
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Computer Science
Human-Computer Interaction
Computers and Society
Machine Learning
Human-Computer Interaction
Computers and Society
Machine Learning
People involved in mass emergencies increasingly publish information-rich
contents in online social networks (OSNs), thus acting as a distributed and
resilient network of human sensors. In this work we present HERMES, a system
designed to e...
A non-relativistic Dirac equation: An application to photo ionization of
highly charged hydrogen-like ions
December 4, 2019
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Atomic Physics
Quantum Physics
We investigate the role of relativity in photo ionization of hydrogen-like
ions by a laser pulse. For hydrogen, the wavelengths of the laser resides in
the weakly ultra violet region. For higher nuclear charges, the laser
parameters are sca...
Three Dimensional Gravity and Schramm-Loewner Evolution
December 4, 2019
High Energy Physics - Theory
The partition function of three dimensional gravity in the quantum regime is
dual to the Ising model when the central charge c=1/2. Mathematically, we
show that the three dimensional gravity can be described by Schramm-Loewner
On The Complex Zeros of The Riemann Zeta Function
December 4, 2019
General Mathematics
Plotting (ζ,U(x,y),V(x,y),x,y,z) and numerical calculations show that
ζ(s)=0 finitely many times in the Interval I with k roots in the
interval all of which are on the critical line which proves the Riemann
Hypothesis in...
The κ-Strongly Proper Forcing Axiom
December 4, 2019
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We study methods to obtain the consistency of forcing axioms, and
particularly higher forcing axioms. We first force over a model with a
supercompact cardinal θ>κ to get the consistency of the forcing
axiom for κ-strongly...
Moments of Student's t-distribution: A Unified Approach
December 3, 2019
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Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
In this note, we derive the closed form formulae for moments of Student's
t-distribution in the one dimensional case as well as in higher dimensions
through a unified probability framework. Interestingly, the closed form
expressions for the...
Axial vector transition form factors in holographic QCD and their
contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon
December 3, 2019
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
High Energy Physics - Theory
We evaluate axial vector transition form factors in holographic QCD models
that have been shown to reproduce well recent experimental and theoretical
results for the pion transition form factor. Comparing with L3 data on
2-positive contractive projections on noncommutative
December 3, 2019
Operator Algebras
Functional Analysis
We prove the first theorem on projections on general noncommutative
Lp-spaces associated with non-type I von Neumann algebras where 1≤p<∞. This is the first progress on this topic since the seminal
work of Arazy an...
Learning Multi-resolution Graph Edge Embedding for Discovering Brain
Network Dysfunction in Neurological Disorders
December 2, 2019
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Computer Science
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Machine Learning
Tremendous recent literature show that associations between different brain
regions, i.e., brain connectivity, provide early symptoms of neurological
disorders. Despite significant efforts made for graph neural network (GNN)
techniques, the...