A technique for solving the polygon inclusion problems
July 13, 2017
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Computer Science
Computational Geometry
We propose a technique called Rotate-and-Kill for solving the polygon
inclusion and circumscribing problems. By applying this technique, we obtain
O(n) time algorithms for computing (1) the maximum area triangle in a given
n-sided conve...
Cas d'existence de solutions d'EDP
July 10, 2017
Analysis of PDEs
Analysis of PDEs
We give some examples of the existence of solutions of geometric PDEs (Yamabe
equation, Prescribed Scalar Curvature Equation, Gaussian curvature). We also
give some remarks on second order PDE and Green functions and on the maximum
Phonon and electronic properties of semiconducting silicon nitride
July 10, 2017
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Materials Science
The two-dimensional (2D) IV-V semiconductors have attracted much attention
due to their fascinating electronic and optical properties. In this work, we
predicted three phases of silicon nitrides, denoted α-Si2​N2​,
Ramsey expansions of metrically homogeneous graphs
July 9, 2017
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Computer Science
Discrete Mathematics
We investigate Ramsey expansions, the coherent extension property for partial
isometries (EPPA), and the existence of a stationary independence relation for
all classes of metrically homogeneous graphs from Cherlin's catalogue. We show
Facilitated exclusion process
July 6, 2017
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Statistical Mechanics
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Statistical Mechanics
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
We study the Facilitated TASEP, an interacting particle system on the one
dimensional integer lattice. We prove that starting from step initial
condition, the position of the rightmost particle has Tracy Widom GSE
statistics on a cube root ...
From equality to diversity -- bottom-up approach for hierarchy growth
July 4, 2017
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Computer Science
Physics and Society
Social and Information Networks
Physics and Society
Social and Information Networks
The hierarchical topology is a common property of many complex systems. Here
we introduce a simple but generic model of hierarchy growth from the bottom to
the top. Therein, two dynamical processes are accounted for: agent's promotions
to n...
Anomaly cancellation by generalised cohomology
July 4, 2017
High Energy Physics - Theory
Supersymmetric states in M-theory are mapped after compactification to
perturbatively non-supersymmetric states in type IIA string theory, with the
supersymmetric parts being encoded in the non-perturbative section of the
string theory. An ...
Utility maximization in constrained and unbounded financial markets:
Applications to indifference valuation, regime switching, consumption and
Epstein-Zin recursive utility
July 1, 2017
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Quantitative Finance
Mathematical Finance
This memoir presents a systematic study of utility maximization problems for
an investor in constrained and unbounded financial markets. Building upon the
foundational work of Hu et al. (2005) [Ann. Appl. Probab., 15, 1691--1712] in a
Schubert puzzles and integrability I: invariant trilinear forms
June 30, 2017
Mathematical Physics
Algebraic Geometry
Mathematical Physics
The puzzle rules for computing Schubert calculus on d-step flag manifolds,
proven in [Knutson Tao 2003] for 1-step, in [Buch Kresch Purbhoo Tamvakis
2016] for 2-step, and conjectured in [Coskun Vakil 2009] for 3-step, lead
to vector...
Quantum computation with indefinite causal structures
June 29, 2017
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Computer Science
Quantum Physics
Computational Complexity
Quantum Physics
Computational Complexity
One way to study the physical plausibility of closed timelike curves (CTCs)
is to examine their computational power. This has been done for Deutschian CTCs
(D-CTCs) and post-selection CTCs (P-CTCs), with the result that they allow for
the e...