Infrared structure of SU(N)×U(1) gauge theory to three loops
December 31, 2019
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High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
We study the infrared (IR) structure of SU(N)×U(1) (QCD ×
QED) gauge theory with nf quarks and nl leptons within the framework of
perturbation theory. In particular, we unravel the IR structure of the form
factors and ...
Spectral analysis on standard locally homogeneous spaces
December 29, 2019
Representation Theory
Differential Geometry
Spectral Theory
Let X=G/H be a reductive homogeneous space with H noncompact, endowed
with a G-invariant pseudo-Riemannian structure. Let L be a reductive
subgroup of G acting properly on X and Γ a torsion-free discrete
subgroup of L. ...
Approximating intractable short ratemodel distribution with neural
December 29, 2019
Quantitative Finance
Computer Science
Mathematical Finance
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
We propose an algorithm which predicts each subsequent time step relative to
the previous timestep of intractable short rate model (when adjusted for drift
and overall distribution of previous percentile result) and show that the
method ach...
Vinogradov three prime theorem with Piatetski-Shapiro primes
December 28, 2019
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Number Theory
We prove that, for any c1,c2,c3∈(1,41/35), every sufficiently large
odd number N can be represented as the sum of three primes N=p1+p2+p3 such that pi=⌊nici⌋ for some ni∈N for each...
Scaled Relative Graph of Normal Matrices
December 27, 2019
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Computer Science
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Analysis
Optimization and Control
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Analysis
Optimization and Control
The Scaled Relative Graph (SRG) is a geometric tool that maps the action of a
multi-valued nonlinear operator onto the 2D plane, used to analyze the
convergence of a wide range of iterative methods. As the SRG includes the
spectrum for line...
One Point, One Object: Simultaneous 3D Object Segmentation and 6-DOF
Pose Estimation
December 27, 2019
Computer Science
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
We propose a single-shot method for simultaneous 3D object segmentation and
6-DOF pose estimation in pure 3D point clouds scenes based on a consensus that
\emph{one point only belongs to one object}, i.e., each point has the potential
Existence of Schrodinger Evolution with Absorbing Boundary Condition
December 27, 2019
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Quantum Physics
Consider a non-relativistic quantum particle with wave function inside a
region Ω⊂R3, and suppose that detectors are placed
along the boundary ∂Ω. The question how to compute the
probability distributi...
Th\'eorie Quasicristalline des Nombres: Recherche d'une Th\'eorie de
Drinfeld-Hayes en Charact\'eristique Z\'ero
December 27, 2019
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Number Theory
This article develops the structure necessary for the formulation of a
version of Drinfeld-Hayes theory in characteristic zero, using the arithmetic
of quasicrystal rings attached to a number field. -- --
Cet article d\'eveloppe la struct...
Mott insulating states of the anisotropic SU(4) Dirac fermions
December 26, 2019
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Quantum Gases
Strongly Correlated Electrons
We employ the large-scale quantum Monte-Carlo simulations to investigate the
Mott-insulating states of the half-filled SU(4) Hubbard model on the square
lattice with a staggered-flux pattern. The noninteracting band structure that
evolves f...
Universal Rank Inference via Residual Subsampling with Application to
Large Networks
December 24, 2019
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Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
Determining the precise rank is an important problem in many large-scale
applications with matrix data exploiting low-rank plus noise models. In this
paper, we suggest a universal approach to rank inference via residual
subsampling (RIRS) f...