Variable feature weighted fuzzy k-means algorithm for high dimensional
December 23, 2019
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Computer Science
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
This paper presents a new fuzzy k-means algorithm for the clustering of
high-dimensional data in various subspaces. Since high-dimensional data, some
features might be irrelevant and relevant but may have different significance
in the clust...
Representation theory of topological full groups of \'etale groupoids
and paradoxicality
December 23, 2019
Operator Algebras
Metric Geometry
Representation Theory
We provide a unified treatment of several results concerning full groups of
ample groupoids and paradoxical decompositions attached to them. This includes
a criterion for the full group of an ample groupoid being amenable as well as
An Urban Water Extraction Method Combining Deep Learning and Google
Earth Engine
December 23, 2019
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Computer Science
Electrical Engineering and Systems Science
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Image and Video Processing
Urban water is important for the urban ecosystem. Accurate and efficient
detection of urban water with remote sensing data is of great significance for
urban management and planning. In this paper, we proposed a new method to
combine Google...
Notes on Category Theory with examples from basic mathematics
December 23, 2019
Computer Science
Category Theory
Logic in Computer Science
History and Overview
These notes were originally developed as lecture notes for a category theory
course. They should be well-suited to anyone that wants to learn category
theory from scratch and has a scientific mind. There is no need to know
advanced mathemat...
Classifying spaces of infinity-sheaves
December 22, 2019
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Algebraic Topology
Category Theory
K-Theory and Homology
Algebraic Topology
Category Theory
K-Theory and Homology
We prove that the set of concordance classes of sections of an infinity-sheaf
on a manifold is representable, extending a theorem of Madsen and Weiss. This
is reminiscent of an h-principle in which the role of isotopy is played by
Efficient and Convergent Sequential Pseudo-Likelihood Estimation of
Dynamic Discrete Games
December 22, 2019
We propose a new sequential Efficient Pseudo-Likelihood (k-EPL) estimator for
dynamic discrete choice games of incomplete information. k-EPL considers the
joint behavior of multiple players simultaneously, as opposed to individual
A structure theorem for fundamental solutions of analytic multipliers in
December 22, 2019
Analysis of PDEs
Using a version of Hironaka's resolution of singularities for real-analytic
functions, any elliptic multiplier Op(p) of order d>0,
real-analytic near p−1(0), has a fundamental solution μ0. We give an
integral represen...
Sparse domination results for compactness on weighted spaces
December 21, 2019
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Classical Analysis and ODEs
By means of appropriate sparse bounds, we deduce compactness on weighted
Lp(w) spaces, 1<p<∞, for all Calder\'on-Zygmund operators having
compact extensions on L2(Rn). Similar methods lead to new results
on boundednes...
Johdatus funktionaalianalyysiin
December 21, 2019
History and Overview
This book concentrates on functional analysis. The text is written so that it
can be followed on the basis of high school mathematics. The book introduces
the set theoretical foundations of mathematics, the basic theories of linear
algebra ...
The Black-Scholes-Merton dual equation
December 21, 2019
Quantitative Finance
Pricing of Securities
Mathematical Finance
Risk Management
We derive the Black-Scholes-Merton dual equation, which has exactly the same
form as the Black-Scholes-Merton equation. The novel and general equation works
for options with a payoff of homogeneous of degree one, including European,