A Discriminative Latent-Variable Model for Bilingual Lexicon Induction
August 28, 2018
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Computer Science
Computation and Language
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
We introduce a novel discriminative latent variable model for bilingual
lexicon induction. Our model combines the bipartite matching dictionary prior
of Haghighi et al. (2008) with a representation-based approach (Artetxe et al.,
2017). To ...
Combinatorics of Borel Ideals
August 27, 2018
In this work, I investigate several combinatorial properties of Borel (or
co-analytic) ideals on countable sets. I extend a theorem presented in M.
Hru\v{s}\'{a}k, D. Meza-Alc\'antara, E. Th\"ummel, and C. Uzc\'ategui,
\emph{Ramsey Type Pro...
A Dichotomous Analysis of Unemployment Benefits
August 26, 2018
Quantitative Finance
General Finance
Using equal employment opportunity as a fairness hypothesis, real-time
balanced-budget rule as a constraint, and policy stability as an objective, we
derive a scientific formula for taxation policy and formulate a fair allocation
for unempl...
The Gauss--skizze decomposition is a Goresky-MacPherson stratification
August 25, 2018
Algebraic Geometry
We consider a new stratification of the space of configurations of n marked
points on the complex plane. Recall that this space can be differently
interpreted as the space DPoln of degree n>1 complex, monic
Spatial heterogeneity can explain the stable coexistence of savanna and
forest in South America
August 24, 2018
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In work with a variety of co-authors, Staver and Levin have argued that
savanna and forest coexist as alternative stable states with discontinuous
changes in density of trees at the boundary. Here we formulate a nonhomogeneous
spatial model...
Continuous bulk and interface description of topological insulators
August 23, 2018
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
We analyze continuous partial differential models of topological insulators
in the form of systems of Dirac equations. We describe the bulk and interface
topological properties of the materials by means of indices of Fredholm
operators cons...
Pushing Photons with Electrons: Observation of the Polariton Drag Effect
August 23, 2018
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Quantum Gases
We show the direct effect of free electrons colliding with polaritons,
changing their momentum. The result of this interaction of the electrons with
the polaritons is a change in the angle of emission of the photons from our
cavity structur...
Learning to Importance Sample in Primary Sample Space
August 23, 2018
Computer Science
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Importance sampling is one of the most widely used variance reduction
strategies in Monte Carlo rendering. In this paper, we propose a novel
importance sampling technique that uses a neural network to learn how to sample
from a desired dens...
Anomalous negative magnetoresistance in quantum-dot Josephson junctions
with Kondo correlations
August 21, 2018
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Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
The interplay between superconductivity and the Kondo effect has stimulated
significant interest in condensed matter physics. They compete when their
critical temperatures are close and can give rise to a quantum phase transition
that can m...
Compressed decision problems in hyperbolic groups
August 21, 2018
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Group Theory
We prove that the compressed word problem and the compressed simultaneous
conjugacy problem are solvable in polynomial time in hyperbolic groups. In such
problems, group elements are input as words defined by straight line programs
defined ...