Universal Proof Theory: Semi-analytic Rules and Craig Interpolation
August 19, 2018
Computer Science
Logic in Computer Science
We provide a general and syntactically-defined family of sequent calculi,
called \emph{semi-analytic}, to formalize the informal notion of a "nice"
sequent calculus. We show that any sufficiently strong (multimodal)
substructural logic with...
On the Predictability of non-CGM Diabetes Data for Personalized
August 18, 2018
Computer Science
Computers and Society
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
With continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), data-driven models on blood glucose
prediction have been shown to be effective in related work. However, such (CGM)
systems are not always available, e.g., for a patient at home. In this work, we
Construction of Kuranishi structures on the moduli spaces of pseudo
holomorphic disks: II
August 18, 2018
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Symplectic Geometry
This is the second of a series of two articles in which we provide detailed
and self-contained account of the construction of a system of Kuranishi
structures on the moduli spaces of pseudo holomorphic disks. Using the notion
of obstruction...
On the Convergence of Adaptive Gradient Methods for Nonconvex
August 16, 2018
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Computer Science
Machine Learning
Optimization and Control
Machine Learning
Adaptive gradient methods are workhorses in deep learning. However, the
convergence guarantees of adaptive gradient methods for nonconvex optimization
have not been thoroughly studied. In this paper, we provide a fine-grained
convergence an...
Separating measurable recurrence from strong recurrence via rigidity
August 16, 2018
Dynamical Systems
If G is an abelian group, we say S⊂G is a set of recurrence if for
every probability measure preserving G-system (X,μ,T) and every D⊂X having μ(D)>0, there is a g∈S such that μ(D∩TgD)>0. We
say ...
A confounding bridge approach for double negative control inference on
causal effects
August 14, 2018
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Unmeasured confounding is a key challenge for causal inference. In this
paper, we establish a framework for unmeasured confounding adjustment with
negative control variables. A negative control outcome is associated with the
confounder but ...
The Spatially Homogeneous Boltzmann Equation for Bose-Einstein
Particles: Rate of Strong Convergence to Equilibrium
August 12, 2018
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Analysis of PDEs
Analysis of PDEs
The paper is a continuation of our previous work on the spatially homogeneous
Boltzmann equation for Bose-Einstein particles with quantum collision kernel
that includes the hard sphere model. Solutions Ft under consideration that
Identification of malfunctioning quantum devices
August 8, 2018
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Quantum Physics
We consider the problem of correctly identifying a malfunctioning quantum
device that forms part of a network of N such devices, which can be
considered as the quantum analogue of classical anomaly detection. In the case
where the devices...
Sequential Monte Carlo Bandits
August 8, 2018
Computer Science
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
We extend Bayesian multi-armed bandit (MAB) algorithms beyond their original
setting by making use of sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) methods.
A MAB is a sequential decision making problem where the goal is to learn a
policy that maximizes l...
Evolution of Preferences in Multiple Populations
August 7, 2018
Computer Science
Computer Science and Game Theory
We study the evolution of preferences in multi-population settings that allow
matches across distinct populations. Each individual has subjective preferences
over potential outcomes, and chooses a best response based on his preferences
and ...