Development of Hydrogen Bonding Magnetic Reaction-based Gene Regulation
through Cyclic Electromagnetic DNA Simulation in Double-Stranded DNA
October 26, 2012
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Quantitative Biology
Other Quantitative Biology
The proton-magnetic reaction is commonly used in MRI machines with a strong
magnetic field of over 1 T, while this study hypothesized that the electron
magnetic reaction of hydrogen could affect the hydrogen bonds of
double-stranded DNA (ds...
Inverse Spectral Problems for Collapsing Manifolds I: Uniqueness and
September 26, 2012
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Differential Geometry
Analysis of PDEs
We consider the geometric inverse problem of determining a closed Riemannian
manifold from measurements of the heat kernel in an open subset of the
manifold. In this paper we analyze the stability of this problem in the class
of n-dimensi...
A class of open surfaces with algorithmically solvable homeomorphism
September 13, 2012
Geometric Topology
We introduce a new class of possibly noncompact n-dimensional manifolds
without boundary associated to finite data which we call topological automata.
This class is large enough to contain many interesting examples of open
2-dimensional and...
Contraherent cosheaves on schemes
September 13, 2012
Category Theory
Algebraic Geometry
Contraherent cosheaves are globalizations of contraadjusted or cotorsion
modules over commutative rings obtained by gluing together over a scheme, with
the colocalization functors HomR(S,−) used for the gluing
(where S...
On braided and ribbon unitary fusion categories
September 10, 2012
Quantum Algebra
Quantum Algebra
We prove that every braiding on a unitary fusion category is automatically
unitary, and that every unitary braided fusion category admits a unique unitary
ribbon structure....
Borsuk-Ulam type theorems for metric spaces
September 6, 2012
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Metric Geometry
Algebraic Topology
Metric Geometry
Algebraic Topology
In this paper we study the problems of the following kind: For a pair of
topological spaces X and Y find sufficient conditions that under every
continuous map f:X→Y a pair of sufficiently distant points is mapped to
a single poin...
D Pi scattering and D meson resonances from lattice QCD
August 20, 2012
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High Energy Physics - Lattice
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
The masses and widths of the broad scalar D_0^*(2400) and the axial D_1(2430)
charmed-light resonances are extracted by simulating the corresponding D Pi and
D* Pi scattering on the lattice. The resonance parameters are obtained using a
Semiregularity as a consequence of Goodwillie's theorem
August 15, 2012
Algebraic Geometry
K-Theory and Homology
We realise Buchweitz and Flenner's semiregularity map (and hence a fortiori
Bloch's semiregularity map) for a smooth variety X as the tangent of a
generalised Abel--Jacobi map on the derived moduli stack of perfect complexes
on X. The t...
An index bound for smooth umbilic points
July 25, 2012
Differential Geometry
We prove that the half-integer valued local index of an isolated umbilic
point on a C3+α-smooth convex surface in Euclidean 3-space is less
than two. The approach is to study the co-kernel of an associated
Riemann-Hilbert boundary...
Yet Another Table of Integrals
July 24, 2012
Classical Analysis and ODEs
This collection of sums and integrals has been harvested from the
mathematical and physical literature in unstructured ways. Its main use is
backtracking the original sources whenever an integral of the reader's
application resembles one of...