First extension groups of Verma modules and R-polynomials
February 28, 2010
Representation Theory
Representation Theory
We study the first extension groups between Verma modules. There was a
conjecture which claims that the dimensions of the higher extension groups
between Verma modules are the coefficients of R-polynomials defined by
Kazhdan-Lusztig. This...
Dielectronic recombination data for astrophysical applications: Plasma
rate-coefficients for Fe^q+ (q=7-10, 13-22) and Ni^25+ ions from storage-ring
February 19, 2010
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Atomic and Molecular Clusters
Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
Atomic Physics
Plasma Physics
This review summarizes the present status of an ongoing experimental effort
to provide reliable rate coefficients for dielectronic recombination of highly
charged iron ions for the modeling of astrophysical and other plasmas. The
Reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo and multi-model samplers
January 12, 2010
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To appear in the second edition of the MCMC handbook, S. P. Brooks, A.
Gelman, G. Jones and X.-L. Meng (eds), Chapman & Hall....
On Some Additive Properties of Multiplicative Subsemigroups of Semirings
and Arithmetic Applications I
December 22, 2009
Number Theory
Commutative Algebra
Number Theory
Commutative Algebra
In this paper, we consider a question of sum-keeping about a multiplicative
subsemigroup and its generator subsets in a semiring, and develop some
elementary (collapse) process of the sum-keeping retraction through subsets
until one minimal...
A Localization Theorem for Finite W-algebras
November 11, 2009
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Representation Theory
Algebraic Geometry
Representation Theory
Algebraic Geometry
Following the work of Beilinson-Bernstein and Kashiwara-Rouquier, we give a
geometric interpretation of certain categories of modules over the finite
W-algebra. As an application we reprove the Skryabin equivalence....
Bremermann's limit in cGh-physics
October 18, 2009
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
Quantum Physics
Do physical laws limit the speed of "all data processing systems, manmade as
well as biological"? This question proposed and positively answered by H. J.
Bremermann in 1962, should be corrected to make it compatible with Einstein's
theory o...
The shortest way to the geodesics of spheres
September 20, 2009
General Mathematics
General Mathematics
In this paper, we prove, using only elementary geometric arguments and only
assuming that the curves are continuous, that the geodesics on a sphere are the
minor arcs of the great circles. Our result are valid for any sphere in any
inner pr...
Probability Bracket Notation, Wick-Matsubara Relation, Density
Operators, and Microscopic Probability Modeling
September 7, 2009
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Following the Dirac vector bracket notation (VBN), we proposed the
probability bracket notation (PBN) in our previous paper. We mentioned that
under the special Wick rotation (imaginary time), a stationary Schrodinger
equation in the Hilber...
Improved simulation of non-Gaussian temperature and polarization CMB
August 31, 2009
Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
We describe an algorithm to generate temperature and polarization maps of the
cosmic microwave background radiation containing non-Gaussianity of arbitrary
local type. We apply an optimized quadrature scheme that allows us to predict
and co...
Representations of Hermitian Commutative *-Algebras by Unbounded
August 22, 2009
Operator Algebras
Representation Theory
We give a spectral theorem for unital representations of Hermitian
commutative unital *-algebras by possibly unbounded operators in a pre-Hilbert
space. A better result is known for the case in which the *-algebra is
countably generated....