We construct certain unstable higher-order homotopy operations indexed by the
simplex categories of Δn for n≥2 and prove that all elements
in the homotopy groups of a wedge of spheres are generated under such
operations by...
Thermodynamics, Phase Transition and Joule Thomson Expansion of 4-D
Gauss-Bonnet AdS Black Hole
March 19, 2020
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General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
We explore the thermodynamic and phase transition properties of
asymptotically AdS black holes within Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity, focusing
on Joule Thomson expansion. Thermodynamics is studied in the extended phase
space, where the cosmo...
Byzantine-Resilient Distributed Optimization of Multi-Dimensional
March 19, 2020
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Computer Science
Multiagent Systems
Optimization and Control
The problem of distributed optimization requires a group of agents to reach
agreement on a parameter that minimizes the average of their local cost
functions using information received from their neighbors. While there are a
variety of dist...
3D Crowd Counting via Geometric Attention-guided Multi-View Fusion
March 18, 2020
Computer Science
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Recently multi-view crowd counting using deep neural networks has been
proposed to enable counting in large and wide scenes using multiple cameras.
The current methods project the camera-view features to the average-height
plane of the 3D w...
Towards Data Auctions with Externalities
March 18, 2020
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Computer Science
Computer Science and Game Theory
The design of data markets has gained importance as firms increasingly use
machine learning models fueled by externally acquired training data. A key
consideration is the externalities firms face when data, though inherently
freely replicab...
A criterion for sharpness in tree enumeration and the asymptotic number
of triangulations in Kuperberg's G2 spider
March 17, 2020
Complex Variables
Complex Variables
We prove a conjectured asymptotic formula of Kuperberg from the
representation theory of the Lie algebra G2. Given a non-negative sequence
(an)n≥1, the identity B(x)=A(xB(x)) for generating functions
$A(x)=1+\sum_{n\geq 1} a_...
Reduction type of genus-3 curves in a special stratum of their moduli
March 17, 2020
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Algebraic Geometry
Number Theory
We study a 3-dimensional stratum M3,V of the moduli space
M3 of curves of genus 3 parameterizing curves Y that admit a
certain action of V=C2×C2. We determine the possible types of the
stable reduc...
Semi-supervised Contrastive Learning Using Partial Label Information
March 17, 2020
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Computer Science
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
In semi-supervised learning, information from unlabeled examples is used to
improve the model learned from labeled examples. In some learning problems,
partial label information can be inferred from otherwise unlabeled examples and
used to ...
Testing the nature of Gauss-Bonnet gravity by four-dimensional rotating
black hole shadow
March 17, 2020
High Energy Physics - Theory
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
The recent discovery of the novel four-dimensional static and spherically
symmetric Gauss-Bonnet black hole provides a promising bed to test Gauss-Bonnet
gravity by using astronomical observations [Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 081301
(2020)]. In t...
On non-monochromatic plane-wave solutions of Maxwell's equations
March 16, 2020
Classical Physics
In electrodynamics courses and textbooks the properties of plane
electromagnetic waves in both conducting and non-conducting media are typically
studied from the point of view of the prototype case of a monochromatic plane
wave. In this art...