Invariance of non-vanishing of first lp-cohomology under
Lq-Measured Equivalence
October 14, 2018
Group Theory
Group Theory
The first lp-cohomology is an algebro-analytical object attached to a
finitely generated discrete group and introduced by M. Gromov. It is well known
that it is invariant under quasi-isometry. In this article, we prove that the
Skin-Friction and Forced Convection from Rough and Smooth Plates
October 12, 2018
Fluid Dynamics
Since the 1930s, theories of skin-friction drag from plates with rough
surfaces have been based by analogy to turbulent flow in pipes with rough
interiors. Failure of this analogy at slow velocities has frustrated attempts
to create a compr...
Enumerating models of DNF faster: breaking the dependency on the formula
October 9, 2018
Computer Science
Computational Complexity
Data Structures and Algorithms
In this article, we study the problem of enumerating the models of DNF
formulas. The aim is to provide enumeration algorithms with a delay that
depends polynomially on the size of each model and not on the size of the
formula, which can be ...
Relative Error of Scaled Poisson Approximation via Stein's Method
October 9, 2018
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We study the accuracy of a scaled Poisson approximation to the weighted sum
of independent Poisson random variables, focusing on in particular the relative
error of the tail distribution. A bound on the relative approximation error is
Local Density of States induced near Impurities in Mott Insulators
October 8, 2018
Strongly Correlated Electrons
The local density of states near dopants or impurities has recently been
probed by scanning tunneling microscopy in both the parent and very lightly
doped compounds of the high-Tc cuprate superconductors. Our calculations
based on a slav...
Honeycomb Tessellations and Graded Permutohedral Blades
October 7, 2018
High Energy Physics - Theory
Representation Theory
High Energy Physics - Theory
Representation Theory
This paper investigates enumerative aspects of permutohedral blades, which
provide a generalization of the notion of the tropical hyperplane arrangement.
Blade provide the combinatorial underpinning of generalized biadjoint scalar
Leave-one-out least squares Monte Carlo algorithm for pricing Bermudan
October 4, 2018
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Quantitative Finance
Computational Finance
Mathematical Finance
Machine Learning
The least squares Monte Carlo (LSM) algorithm proposed by Longstaff and
Schwartz (2001) is widely used for pricing Bermudan options. The LSM estimator
contains undesirable look-ahead bias, and the conventional technique of
avoiding it requi...
Charging axially symmetric interior solutions in General Relativity
October 4, 2018
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General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
We present two solution-generating techniques, which are direct
generalizations of certain Ehlers-Harrison transformations in the Ernst
formalism, while adapted to work in presence of an anisotropic fluid source
with axial symmetry. Based o...
Hindman's finite sums theorem and its application to topologizations of
October 3, 2018
General Topology
Rings and Algebras
General Topology
Rings and Algebras
The first part of the paper is a brief overview of Hindman's finite sums
theorem, its prehistory and a few of its further generalizations, and a modern
technique used in proving these and similar results, which is based on
idempotent ultraf...
Erd\H{o}s-Rado Classes
October 2, 2018
We amalgamate two generalizations of Ramsey's Theorem--Ramsey classes and the
Erd\H{o}s-Rado Theorem--into the notion of a combinatorial Erd\H{o}s-Rado
class. These classes are closely related to Erd\H{o}s-Rado classes, which are
those from...