Quantum Painlev\'e II solution and Approximated analytic solution of the
Yukawa Potential
March 27, 2014
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
We show that one dimensional non-stationary Schr\"odi-nger equation with a
specific choice of potential reduces to the quantum Painlev\'e II equation and
the solution of its Riccati form appears as a dominant term of that potential.
Comparison of spectral invariants in Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Floer
March 25, 2014
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Symplectic Geometry
We compare spectral invariants in periodical orbits and Lagrangian Floer
homology case, for closed symplectic manifold P and its closed Lagrangian
submanifolds L, when ω∣π2(P,L)=0, and μ∣π2(P,L)=0.
From this resul...
Cluster Before You Hallucinate: Approximating Node-Capacitated Network
Design and Energy Efficient Routing
March 24, 2014
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Computer Science
Data Structures and Algorithms
We consider the following node-capacitated network design problem. The input
is an undirected graph, set of demands, uniform node capacity and arbitrary
node costs. The goal is to find a minimum node-cost subgraph that supports all
demands ...
The calculation of air filtration efficiency through the visual basic
programming language
March 20, 2014
Computer Science
Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science
The present article describes the development of a software which was written
in visual basic programming language. The software calculates the particle
collection efficiency and penetration of a fibrous filter medium for given
values of pa...
A constructive proof of the Wedderburn-Artin theorem
March 19, 2014
Representation Theory
In this short note, we use the idempotent decomposition to give an explicit
isomorphism from a semisimple Artinian ring to an external direct sum of finite
full matrix rings over division rings....
Controlling Recurrent Neural Networks by Conceptors
March 13, 2014
Computer Science
Neural and Evolutionary Computing
The human brain is a dynamical system whose extremely complex sensor-driven
neural processes give rise to conceptual, logical cognition. Understanding the
interplay between nonlinear neural dynamics and concept-level cognition remains
a maj...
Is Intelligence Artificial?
March 5, 2014
Computer Science
Artificial Intelligence
Our understanding of intelligence is directed primarily at the human level.
This paper attempts to give a more unifying definition that can be applied to
the natural world in general and then Artificial Intelligence. The definition
would be...
Heat transfer in the flow of a cold, two-dimensional draining sheet over
a hot, horizontal cylinder
February 20, 2014
Fluid Dynamics
An accurate and comprehensive numerical solution to the parabolic free
boundary problem arising from thin film flow with both velocity and temperature
distribution at large Reynolds numbers is obtained using a modified Keller box
method. A ...
Foundations for a theory of emergent quantum mechanics and emergent
classical gravity
February 20, 2014
Mathematical Physics
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
High Energy Physics - Theory
Differential Geometry
Mathematical Physics
Quantum Physics
Quantum systems are viewed as emergent systems from the fundamental degrees
of freedom. The laws and rules of quantum mechanics are understood as an
effective description, valid for the emergent systems and specially useful to
handle probab...
Spacetime approach to force-free magnetospheres
January 23, 2014
High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
High Energy Physics - Theory
Force-Free Electrodynamics (FFE) describes magnetically dominated
relativistic plasma via non-linear equations for the electromagnetic field
alone. Such plasma is thought to play a key role in the physics of pulsars and
active black holes. ...