Bridge trisections in CP2 and the Thom conjecture (with
July 26, 2018
Geometric Topology
Geometric Topology
In this paper, we develop new techniques for understanding surfaces in
CP2 via bridge trisections. Trisections are a novel approach to
smooth 4-manifold topology, introduced by Gay and Kirby, that provide an avenue
to apply 3-di...
Effects of Degradations on Deep Neural Network Architectures
July 26, 2018
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Computer Science
Electrical Engineering and Systems Science
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Image and Video Processing
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Image and Video Processing
Deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) have massively influenced recent
advances in large-scale image classification. More recently, a dynamic routing
algorithm with capsules (groups of neurons) has shown state-of-the-art
recognition perf...
Connecting model-based and model-free approaches to linear least squares
July 25, 2018
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Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
In a regression setting with a response vector and given regressor vectors, a
typical question is to what extent the response is related to these regressors,
specifically, how well it can be approximated by a linear combination of the
EBIC: an open source software for high-dimensional and big data
biclustering analyses
July 25, 2018
Quantitative Biology
Computer Science
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Motivation: In this paper we present the latest release of EBIC, a
next-generation biclustering algorithm for mining genetic data. The major
contribution of this paper is adding support for big data, making it possible
to efficiently run la...
Open Gromov-Witten invariants and Boundary States
July 23, 2018
Symplectic Geometry
Symplectic Geometry
In this note we show how Kontsevich-Soibelman algebra arise naturally in Open
Gromov-Witten theory for not compact geometries....
Mapping class groupoids and Thompson's groups
July 23, 2018
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Geometric Topology
We introduce a groupoid {\mathbf{\Pi MG}}}, called the fundamental modular
groupoid, which is a variant of Penner's mapping class groupoid. We study how
it relates to the surface mapping class groups and Thompson's group T. We a...
Fundamental groups and group presentations with bounded relator lengths
July 23, 2018
Metric Geometry
Algebraic Topology
Group Theory
We study the geometry of compact geodesic spaces with trivial first Betti
number admitting large finite groups of isometries. We show that if a finite
group G acts by isometries on a compact geodesic space X whose first Betti
number van...
A model for framed configuration spaces of points
July 22, 2018
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Algebraic Topology
Quantum Algebra
Algebraic Topology
Quantum Algebra
We study configuration spaces of framed points on oriented closed smooth
manifolds. Such configuration spaces admit natural actions of the framed little
discs operads, that play an important role in the study of embedding spaces of
Looking to the Blue Sky with Colored Patterns
July 20, 2018
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Physics Education
This work presents a simple alternative technique to observe the polarization
of the skylight on Earth. Using a birefringent material and a polarizer to look
at the polarized light from the blue sky, it is possible to see a colored
pattern ...
On the cardinality of unique range sets with weight one
July 19, 2018
Complex Variables
Two meromorphic functions f and g are said to share the set S⊂C∪{∞} with weight l∈N∪{0}∪{∞},
if Ef(S,l)=Eg(S,l) where $$E_{f}(S,l)=\bigcup\limits_{a \in S}\{(z,t)
\in \math...