Quasi and pseudo distributions provide a new approach to determining parton
distribution functions (PDFs) from first principles' calculations of quantum
chromodynamics (QCD). Here I calculate the flavor nonsinglet unpolarized quasi
Fractoconvex structures
October 11, 2017
General Mathematics
We define a new structure on a space endowed with convexities, and call it a
fractoconvex structure (or, a space with fractoconvexity). We introduce two
operations on a set of fractoconvexities and in a special case we show that
they satisf...
Linear stability analysis on the onset of viscous fingering due to a non
monotonic viscosity profile for immiscible fluids
October 11, 2017
Fluid Dynamics
Pattern Formation and Solitons
The onset of viscous fingering in the presence of a non monotonic viscosity
profile is investigated theoretically for two immiscible fluids. Classical
fluid dynamics predicts that no unstable behavior may be observed when a
viscous fluid pu...
On the Kodaira Dimension of the Moduli of Deformation Generalised Kummer
October 4, 2017
Algebraic Geometry
We prove general type results for orthogonal modular varieties associated
with the moduli of compact hyperk\"ahler manifolds of deformation generalised
Kummer type ('deformation generalised Kummer varieties'). In particular, we
consider mod...
Postquantum Br\`{e}gman relative entropies
October 4, 2017
Computer Science
Mathematical Physics
Information Theory
Information Theory
Mathematical Physics
We develop a new approach to construction of Br\`{e}gman relative entropies
over nonreflexive Banach spaces, based on nonlinear mappings into reflexive
Banach spaces. We apply it to derive few families of Br\`{e}gman relative
entropies over...
Change Acceleration and Detection
October 2, 2017
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
A novel sequential change detection problem is proposed, in which the goal is
to not only detect but also accelerate the change. Specifically, it is assumed
that the sequentially collected observations are responses to treatments
selected i...
Black holes have more states than those giving the Bekenstein-Hawking
entropy: a simple argument
September 30, 2017
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
High Energy Physics - Theory
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
High Energy Physics - Theory
It is often assumed that the maximum number of independent states a black
hole may contain is NBH=eSBH, where SBH=A/4 is the
Bekenstein-Hawking entropy and A the horizon area in Planck units. I present
a simple and straigh...
Notes on rate equations in nonlinear continuum mechanics
September 28, 2017
Computer Science
Classical Physics
Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science
The paper gives an introduction to rate equations in nonlinear continuum
mechanics which should obey specific transformation rules. Emphasis is placed
on the geometrical nature of the operations involved in order to clarify the
different co...
Valued fields, Metastable groups
September 25, 2017
We introduce a class of theories called metastable, including the theory of
algebraically closed valued fields (ACVF) as a motivating example. The key
local notion is that of definable types dominated by their stable part. A
theory is metas...
A Practical Quantum Algorithm for the Schur Transform
September 20, 2017
Quantum Physics
We describe an efficient quantum algorithm for the quantum Schur transform.
The Schur transform is an operation on a quantum computer that maps the
standard computational basis to a basis composed of irreducible representations
of the unita...