We study the exponential Hilbert series (both coarsely- and finely-graded) of
the Stanley-Reisner ring of an abstract simplicial complex, Δ, and we
introduce the e-vector of Δ, which relates to the coefficients of the
On a scalar field of time and electromagnetism
June 13, 2018
General Physics
It is possible to describe a universal scalar field of time but not a
universal coordinate of time and to attribute its non-geodesic alignment to the
electromagnetic phenomena. A very surprising outcome is that not only mass
generates gravi...
Covariance constraints for stochastic inverse problems of computer
June 9, 2018
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Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
Stochastic inverse problems considered in this article consist of estimating
the probability distributions of intrinsically random inputs of computer
models. These estimations are based on observable outputs affected by model
noise, and suc...
Mixed ℓ-adic complexes for schemes over number fields
June 8, 2018
Algebraic Geometry
If X is a variety over a number field, Annette Huber has defined a category
of "horizontal" (or "almost everywhere unramified") ℓ-adic complexes and
ℓ-adic perverse sheaves on X. For such objects, the notion of weights
makes s...
A topological material in the III-V family: heteroepitaxial InBi on InAs
June 8, 2018
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Strongly Correlated Electrons
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
InBi(001) is formed epitaxially on InAs(111)-A by depositing Bi on to an
In-rich surface. Angle-resolved photoemission measurements reveal topological
electronic surface states, close to the M bar high symmetry point. This
demonstrates a he...
Causal effects based on distributional distances
June 7, 2018
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Computer Science
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Comparing counterfactual distributions can provide more nuanced and valuable
measures for causal effects, going beyond typical summary statistics such as
averages. In this work, we consider characterizing causal effects via
distributional d...
Dynamic risk measures with fluctuation of market volatility under
Bochne-Lebesgue space
June 4, 2018
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Quantitative Finance
Risk Management
Starting from the global financial crisis to the more recent disruptions
brought about by geopolitical tensions and public health crises, the volatility
of risk in financial markets has increased significantly. This underscores the
Fast Polynomial Root-Finding and Approximation of the Eigenvalues of a
May 30, 2018
Computer Science
Numerical Analysis
Univariate polynomial root-finding has been studied for four millennia and
very intensively in the last decades. Our new near-optimal root-finders
approximate all zeros of a polynomial p almost as fast as one accesses its
coefficients with ...
The convex hull of a convex space curve with four vertices
May 29, 2018
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Differential Geometry
Differential Geometry
We obtain an upper bound for the volume of the convex hull of a simple closed
Frenet curve having exactly four vertices, i.e., four points of vanishing
torsion, and lying on the boundary of its convex hull. Moreover, we show that
the upper ...
Tilting Approximate Models
May 28, 2018
Model approximations are common practice when estimating structural or
quasi-structural models. The paper considers the econometric properties of
estimators that utilize projections to reimpose information about the exact
model in the form ...