A complete description of the asymptotic behavior at infinity of
positive radial solutions to Δ2u=uα in Rn
March 30, 2018
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Analysis of PDEs
We consider the biharmonic equation Δ2u=uα in Rn
with n⩾1. It was proved that this equation has a positive classical
solution if, and only if, either α⩽1 with n⩾1 or
Weak contractions via λ-sequences
March 30, 2018
General Topology
In this note, we discuss common fixed point for a family of self mapping
defined on a metric type space and satisfying a weakly contractive condition.
In our development, we make use of the λ-sequence approach and also of
a certain ...
A Novel Framework for Online Supervised Learning with Feature Selection
March 30, 2018
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Computer Science
Machine Learning
Machine Learning
Current online learning methods suffer issues such as lower convergence rates
and limited capability to select important features compared to their offline
counterparts. In this paper, a novel framework for online learning based on
running ...
L\'evy Area Analysis and Parameter Estimation for fOU Processes via
Non-Geometric Rough Path Theory
March 29, 2018
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
This paper addresses the estimation problem of an unknown drift parameter
matrix for a fractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process in a multi-dimensional
setting. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel approach based on rough
path theory that...
On tensors of factorizable quantum channels with the completely
depolarizing channel
March 28, 2018
Operator Algebras
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
In this paper, we obtain results for factorizability of quantum channels.
Firstly, we prove that if a tensor T⊗Sk of a quantum channel T on
Mn(C) with the completely depolarizing channel Sk is written as
a convex ...
On Difference-of-SOS and Difference-of-Convex-SOS Decompositions for
March 27, 2018
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Optimization and Control
In this article, we are interested in developing polynomial decomposition
techniques based on sums-of-squares (SOS), namely the
difference-of-sums-of-squares (D-SOS) and the
difference-of-convex-sums-of-squares (DC-SOS). In particular, the ...
Derivation of the Invariant Free-Energy Landscape Based on Langevin
March 23, 2018
Statistical Mechanics
Conventionally defined free-energy landscape (FEL) exhibits unphysical
dependence on the choice of reaction coordinates and hence lacks universal
predictive ability. We here show that three physically plausible requirements
uniquely determi...
Commensurating actions for groups of piecewise continuous
March 22, 2018
Dynamical Systems
Group Theory
Geometric Topology
Dynamical Systems
Group Theory
Geometric Topology
We use partial actions, as formalized by Exel, to construct various
commensurating actions. We use this in the context of groups piecewise
preserving a geometric structure, and we interpret the transfixing property of
these commensurating a...
Motivic correlators, cluster varieties and Zagier's conjecture on
March 22, 2018
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Number Theory
Algebraic Geometry
Number Theory
Algebraic Geometry
We prove Zagier's conjecture on the value at s=4 of the Dedekind
zeta-function of a number field F. For any field F, we define a map from the
appropriate pieces of algebraic K-theory of F to the cohomology of the weight 4
polylogarithmic mo...
Multiple Models for Recommending Temporal Aspects of Entities
March 21, 2018
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Computer Science
Information Retrieval
Machine Learning
Entity aspect recommendation is an emerging task in semantic search that
helps users discover serendipitous and prominent information with respect to an
entity, of which salience (e.g., popularity) is the most important factor in
previous w...