Local Lipschitz continuity in the initial value and strong completeness for nonlinear stochastic differential equations
September 22, 2013
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Recently, Hairer et. al (2012) showed that there exist SDEs with infinitely
often differentiable and globally bounded coefficient functions whose solutions
fail to be locally Lipschitz continuous in the strong L^p-sense with respect to
the ...
The convergence Newton polygon of a -adic differential equation V : local index theorems
September 16, 2013
Number Theory
In this paper and its sequel we consider locally-free -modules
together with a connection over a quasi-smooth Berkovich curve . We obtain
necessary and sufficient conditions for the finite dimensionality of their de
Rham c...
absorption cross sections by nucleons
September 11, 2013
Nuclear Theory
The cross sections of \ absorption by nucleons are calculated in
meson-baryon exchange model using an effective hadronic Lagrangian. Calculated
cross sections are found to peak near threshold followed by an increase which
tends t...
Constructive mathematics with the knowledge predicate satisfied by every currently known theorem
September 6, 2013
Number Theory
denotes both the predicate satisfied by every currently known theorem and
the finite set of all currently known theorems. The set is time-dependent,
publicly available, and contains theorems both from formal and constructive
Fractal-cluster theory and thermodynamic principles of the control and analysis for the self-organizing systems
September 5, 2013
Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems
Physics and Society
Adaptation and Self-Organizing Systems
Physics and Society
The theory of resource distribution in self-organizing systems on the basis
of the fractal-cluster method has been presented. In turn, the fractal-cluster
method is based on the fractal-cluster relations of V.P. Burdakov and the
analytical ...
Necessary condition for divisibility by the power of prime ideal and its application to Fermat's Last Theorem
September 1, 2013
General Mathematics
In the paper one proves a necessary condition for divisibility of integral
elements by the powers of prime divisor of unramifed prime ideal and gives its
application to a simple proof of Fermat's Last Theorem....
A note on the random greedy independent set algorithm
August 16, 2013
Let r be a fixed constant and let H be an r-uniform, D-regular hypergraph on
N vertices. Assume further that D > N^\epsilon for some \epsilon>0. Consider
the random greedy algorithm for forming an independent set in H. An independent
set is...
Operator theory and function theory in Drury-Arveson space and its quotients
August 5, 2013
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Functional Analysis
Complex Variables
Operator Algebras
Functional Analysis
Complex Variables
Operator Algebras
The Drury-Arveson space , also known as symmetric Fock space or the
-shift space, is a Hilbert function space that has a natural -tuple of
operators acting on it, which gives it the structure of a Hilbert module. This
survey ai...
Hidden-anisotropy-induced phase shift in all-optical magnetization precession
August 5, 2013
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics
Materials Science
Laser-induced magnetization precession of an in-plane magnetized Pt/Co/Pt
film with perpendicular interface anisotropy was studied using time resolved
magneto-optical Kerr effect. An additional shift in the phase of
precession is need...
The convergence Newton polygon of a -adic differential equation III : global decompositions
August 4, 2013
Number Theory
We deal with locally free -modules with connection over a
Berkovich curve . As a main result we prove local and global decomposition
theorems of such objects by the radii of convergence of their solutions. We
also derive a...