Measurement-to-Track Association and Finite-Set Statistics
January 5, 2017
This is a shortened, clarified, and mathematically more rigorous version of
the original arXiv version. Its first four findings remain unchanged from the
original: 1) measurement-to-track associations (MTAs) in multitarget tracking
(MTT) ar...
Local index theorem for orbifold Riemann surfaces
January 3, 2017
Algebraic Geometry
We derive a local index theorem in Quillen's form for families of
Cauchy-Riemann operators on orbifold Riemann surfaces (or Riemann orbisurfaces)
that are quotients of the hyperbolic plane by the action of cofinite finitely
generated Fuchsi...
Diosi-Penrose criterion for solids and electrical components in quantum
superpositions and application to a single-photon detector
January 2, 2017
Quantum Physics
The Diosi-Penrose criterion is applied to solids in quantum superpositions
that are slightly displaced against each other or have different expansions in
the superposed states. The calculations take the microscopic mass distribution
of the ...
Phase transition in one-dimensional excitable media with variable
interaction range
January 2, 2017
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We investigate two discrete models of excitable media on a one-dimensional
integer lattice Z: the κ-color Cyclic Cellular Automaton
(CCA) and the κ-color Firefly Cellular Automaton (FCA). In both models,
sites are a...
Spatial best linear unbiased prediction: A computational mathematics
approach for high dimensional massive datasets
January 1, 2017
Machine Learning
With the advent of massive data sets much of the computational science and
engineering community has moved toward data-intensive approaches in regression
and classification. However, these present significant challenges due to
increasing si...
First Families of Regular Polygons and their Mutations
December 29, 2016
Dynamical Systems
Every regular N-gon defines a canonical family of regular polygons which are
conforming to the bounds of the 'star polygons' determined by N. These star
polygons are formed from truncated extended edges of the N-gon and the
intersection poi...
Selection originating from protein stability/foldability: Relationships
between protein folding free energy, sequence ensemble, and fitness
December 29, 2016
Quantitative Biology
Populations and Evolution
Assuming that mutation and fixation processes are reversible Markov
processes, we prove that the equilibrium ensemble of sequences obeys a
Boltzmann distribution with exp(4Nem(1−1/(2N))), where m is Malthusian
fitness and Ne and...
Linear-time logics -- a coalgebraic perspective
December 22, 2016
Computer Science
Logic in Computer Science
We describe a general approach to deriving linear-time logics for a wide
variety of state-based, quantitative systems, by modelling the latter as
coalgebras whose type incorporates both branching and linear behaviour.
Concretely, we define ...
GuStL - An Experimental Guarded States Language
December 20, 2016
Computer Science
Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing
Programming Languages
Programming a parallel computing system that consists of several thousands or
even up to a million message passing processing units may ask for a language
that supports waiting for and sending messages over hardware channels. As
programs ar...
Monte Carlo goodness-of-fit tests for degree corrected and related
stochastic blockmodels
December 18, 2016
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Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
We construct Bayesian and frequentist finite-sample goodness-of-fit tests for
three different variants of the stochastic blockmodel for network data. Since
all of the stochastic blockmodel variants are log-linear in form when block