Tunneling control of dipolar boson in triple well circuit via dipole
polarization orientation and quantum sensing application
December 17, 2016
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Quantum Gases
Strongly Correlated Electrons
Quantum Gases
Strongly Correlated Electrons
Precise control of the transport of ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices is
essential for the exploration of quantum phenomena and the development of
advanced quantum technologies. Harnessing the distinctive characteristics of
the system ne...
Metabolic allometric scaling of unicellular organisms as a product of
selection and optimization of nutrient distribution in food chains
December 14, 2016
Quantitative Biology
Other Quantitative Biology
One of the major characteristics of living organisms is metabolic rate -
amount of energy produced per unit time. When the size of organisms increases,
the metabolic rate also increases in a certain regular way. This regularity,
whose cause...
Metabolic allometric scaling of multicellular organisms as a product of
evolutionary development and optimization of food chains
November 30, 2016
Quantitative Biology
Other Quantitative Biology
Production of energy is a foundation of life. Metabolic rate of organisms
(amount of energy produced per unit time) generally increases slower than
organisms' mass. This phenomenon, when considered across different taxa, is
called interspec...
A generalization of Marstrand's theorem and some geometric applications
November 29, 2016
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Metric Geometry
In this paper we prove using quite elementary methods, with a combinatorial
nature, two general results related to Marstrand's projection theorem in a
quite general formulation over metric spaces under a suitable transversality
condition (t...
The q−Onsager algebra and multivariable q−special functions
November 28, 2016
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Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems
Quantum Algebra
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Two sets of mutually commuting q−difference operators xi and yj,
i,j=1,...,N such that xi and yi generate a homomorphic image of the
q−Onsager algebra for each i are introduced. The common polynomial
eigenfunctions of e...
Evolution of networks with multiple junctions
November 24, 2016
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Differential Geometry
We consider the motion by curvature of a network of curves in the plane and
we discuss existence, uniqueness, singularity formation and asymptotic behavior
of the flow....
A Network Formation Model Based on Subgraphs
November 23, 2016
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Computer Science
Physics and Society
Social and Information Networks
Physics and Society
Social and Information Networks
We develop a new class of random graph models for the statistical estimation
of network formation -- subgraph generated models (SUGMs). Various subgraphs --
e.g., links, triangles, cliques, stars -- are generated and their union results
in ...
Decomposition matrices and blocks for the symplectic blob algebra over
the complex field
November 21, 2016
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Representation Theory
The symplectic blob algebra is a physically motivated quotient of the Hecke
algebra H(C~n) with a diagram calculus. We find the blocks for the
symplectic blob algebra for all specialisations of its parameters over the
complex numb...
A Sequence Construction of Cyclic Codes over Finite Fields
November 20, 2016
Computer Science
Information Theory
Information Theory
Information Theory
Information Theory
Cyclic codes over finite fields are widely implemented in data storage
systems, communication systems, and consumer electronics, as they have very
efficient encoding and decoding algorithms. They are also important in theory,
as they are cl...
Koszul duality between Higgs and Coulomb categories O
November 20, 2016
Representation Theory
Rings and Algebras
Representation Theory
Rings and Algebras
We prove a Koszul duality theorem between the category of weight modules over
the quantized Coulomb branch (as defined by Braverman, Finkelberg and Nakajima)
attached to a group G and representation V and a category of
G-equivariant D...