A Simplified and Improved Free-Variable Framework for Hilbert's epsilon
as an Operator of Indefinite Committed Choice
April 13, 2011
Computer Science
Artificial Intelligence
Free variables occur frequently in mathematics and computer science with ad
hoc and altering semantics. We present the most recent version of our
free-variable framework for two-valued logics with properly improved
functionality, but only t...
Wiring Switches to Light Bulbs
January 25, 2011
Given n buttons and n bulbs so that the ith button toggles the ith bulb and
at most two other bulbs, we compute the sharp lower bound on the number of
bulbs that can be lit regardless of the action of the buttons....
Alexandrov meets Kirszbraun
December 27, 2010
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Differential Geometry
Differential Geometry
We give a simplified proof of the generalized Kirszbraun theorem for
Alexandrov spaces, which is due to Lang and Schroeder. We also discuss related
questions, both solved and open....
From coloured gravity to electromagnetism
December 21, 2010
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General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
The gauge formalism in telepalallel gravity provides an interesting viewpoint
to describe interactions according to an anholonomic observer's tetrad basis.
Without going into assessing the complete viability of quantization in an early
Rationality of instanton moduli
December 18, 2010
Algebraic Geometry
Tikhomirov (2009) proved the irreducibility of the moduli space of
mathematical instantons on the projective 3-space for all odd charges. The
irreducibility for charges between 1 and 5 was known before. In the present
paper, the rationality...
Dark Matter Explanation from Quasi-Metric Gravity
December 14, 2010
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
The gravitational field of an isolated, axisymmetric flat disk of spinning
dust is calculated approximately in the weak-field limit of quasi-metric
gravity. Boundary conditions single out the exponential disk as a "preferred"
physical surfa...
A numeral system for the middle-levels graphs
December 5, 2010
The middle-levels graph Mk (0<k∈Z) has a dihedral quotient
pseudograph Rk whose vertices are the k-edge ordered trees T, each T
encoded as a (2k+1)-string F(T) formed via →DFS by: {\bf(i)}
A variational and symplectic framework for model-free control:
preliminary results
November 18, 2010
Computer Science
Systems and Control
Optimization and Control
Systems and Control
Optimization and Control
The model-free control approach is an advanced control law that requires few
information about the process to control. Since its introduction in 2008,
numerous applications have been successfully considered, highlighting
attractive robustne...
Introduction to Normed *-Algebras and their Representations, 7th ed
November 6, 2010
Operator Algebras
Operator Algebras
This book treats: - spectral theory of Banach *-algebras, - basic
representation theory of normed *-algebras, - spectral theory of
representations of commutative *-algebras. A novel feature of the book is the
construction of the enveloping ...
Heegaard Floer homology and integer surgeries on links
November 4, 2010
Geometric Topology
Let L be a link in an integral homology three-sphere. We give a description
of the Heegaard Floer homology of integral surgeries on L in terms of some data
associated to L, which we call a complete system of hyperboxes for L. Roughly,
a com...