The dichotic method of hearing sound adapts in the region of musical harmony.
The algorithm of the separation of the being dissonant voices into several
separate groups is proposed. For an increase in the pleasantness of chords the
The χ2-divergence and Mixing times of quantum Markov processes
May 13, 2010
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Quantum Physics
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
We introduce quantum versions of the χ2-divergence, provide a detailed
analysis of their properties, and apply them in the investigation of mixing
times of quantum Markov processes. An approach similar to the one presented in
[1-3] fo...
Bullet Cluster: Remarkable Revelations and Enduring Insights -- Part I
May 9, 2010
Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
This study unveils new insights into the Bullet Cluster through cm-wave
observations made with the Australia Telescope Compact Array, focusing on the
Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect (SZE). A novel SZE feature was discovered,
distinctively offset f...
Smooth structure on the moduli space of instantons of a generic vector
April 12, 2010
Geometric Topology
Dynamical Systems
Geometric Topology
Dynamical Systems
This paper is a short version of some joint work with Stefan Haller. It
describes the structure of "smooth manifold with corners" on the space of
possibly broken instantons and on the completion of unstable manifolds of a
generic smooth vec...
A Polynomial time Algorithm for Hamilton Cycle with maximum Degree 3,
April 12, 2010
Computer Science
Data Structures and Algorithms
Based on the famous Rotation-Extension technique, by creating the new
concepts and methods: broad cycle, main segment, useful cut and insert,
destroying edges for a main segment, main goal Hamilton cycle, depth-first
search tree, we develop...
Bounds on the growth of high Sobolev norms of solutions to Nonlinear
Schrodinger Equations on R
March 29, 2010
Analysis of PDEs
In this paper, we consider the cubic nonlinear Schrodinger equation, and the
Hartree equation, with sufficiently regular convolution potential, both on the
real line. We are interested in bounding the growth of high Sobolev norms of
Bounds on the growth of high Sobolev norms of solutions to Nonlinear
Schrodinger Equations on S1
March 29, 2010
Analysis of PDEs
We consider Nonlinear Schrodinger type equations on S1. In this paper, we
obtain polynomial bounds on the growth in time of high Sobolev norms of their
solutions. The key is to derive an iteration bound based on a frequency
First extension groups of Verma modules and R-polynomials
February 28, 2010
Representation Theory
Representation Theory
We study the first extension groups between Verma modules. There was a
conjecture which claims that the dimensions of the higher extension groups
between Verma modules are the coefficients of R-polynomials defined by
Kazhdan-Lusztig. This...
Dielectronic recombination data for astrophysical applications: Plasma
rate-coefficients for Fe^q+ (q=7-10, 13-22) and Ni^25+ ions from storage-ring
February 19, 2010
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Atomic and Molecular Clusters
Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics
Atomic Physics
Plasma Physics
This review summarizes the present status of an ongoing experimental effort
to provide reliable rate coefficients for dielectronic recombination of highly
charged iron ions for the modeling of astrophysical and other plasmas. The
Reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo and multi-model samplers
January 12, 2010
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To appear in the second edition of the MCMC handbook, S. P. Brooks, A.
Gelman, G. Jones and X.-L. Meng (eds), Chapman & Hall....