Coherent IC-sheaves on type affine Grassmannians and dual canonical basis of affine type
January 17, 2019
Representation Theory
Algebraic Geometry
Quantum Algebra
The convolution ring
identified with a quantum unipotent cell of the loop group in
[Cautis-Williams, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 32 (2019), pp. 709-778]. We identify th...
Gap theorems in Yang-Mills theory for complete four-dimensional manifolds with a weighted Poincar\'e inequality
January 16, 2019
Differential Geometry
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
In this paper we prove gap theorems in Yang-Mills theory for complete
four-dimensional manifolds with a weighted Poincar\'e inequality. We apply the
theorems to many examples of manifolds. We also prove a uniqueness theorem for
the basic in...
Beyond Uniform Reverse Sampling: A Hybrid Sampling Technique for Misinformation Prevention
January 16, 2019
Computer Science
Social and Information Networks
Data Structures and Algorithms
Online misinformation has been considered as one of the top global risks as
it may cause serious consequences such as economic damages and public panic.
The misinformation prevention problem aims at generating a positive cascade
with approp...
Multi-particle potentials from light-like Wilson lines in quark-gluon plasmas: a generalized relation of in-medium splitting rates to jet-quenching parameters
January 16, 2019
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Nuclear Theory
A powerful historical insight about the theory of in-medium showering in QCD
backgrounds was that splitting rates can be related to a parameter
that characterizes the rate of transverse-momentum kicks to a high-energy
particle from...
Weak convergence rates for temporal numerical approximations of stochastic wave equations with multiplicative noise
January 16, 2019
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Computer Science
Numerical Analysis
Numerical Analysis
In this work we establish weak convergence rates for temporal discretisations
of stochastic wave equations with multiplicative noise, in particular, for the
hyperbolic Anderson model. For this class of stochastic partial differential
Walking through the Gaussian Primes
January 14, 2019
Number Theory
The Gaussian Moat problem asks whether one can walk to infinity in the
Gaussian integers using the Gaussian primes as stepping stones and taking
bounded length steps or not. In this paper, we have analyzed the Gaussian
primes and also devel...
Non-central limit theorem for non-linear functionals of vector valued Gaussian stationary random fields
January 13, 2019
Here I prove non-central limit theorems for non-linear functionals of vector
valued stationary random fields under appropriate conditions. They are the
multivariate versions of the results in paper\cite{2}. Previously A. M. Arcones
Direct finiteness of representable regular rings with involution
January 11, 2019
Rings and Algebras
We show that a von Neumann regular ring with involution is directly finite
provided that it admits a representation as a ring of endomorphisms (the
involution given by taking adjoints) of a vector space endowed with a
non-degenerate orthosy...
Unique continuation for many-body Schr\"odinger operators and the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem. II. The Pauli Hamiltonian
January 10, 2019
Mathematical Physics
Analysis of PDEs
Mathematical Physics
Quantum Physics
We prove the strong unique continuation property for many-body Pauli
operators with external potentials, interaction potentials and magnetic fields
in L^p\loc(\R^d), and with magnetic potentials in {L^{q}\loc(\R^d)}, where
${p > \max(2d...
Understanding the Topology and the Geometry of the Space of Persistence Diagrams via Optimal Partial Transport
January 10, 2019
Computer Science
Computational Geometry
Geometric Topology
Despite the obvious similarities between the metrics used in topological data
analysis and those of optimal transport, an optimal-transport based formalism
to study persistence diagrams and similar topological descriptors has yet to
come. I...