The catenary data of a matroid M of rank r on n elements is the vector
(ν(M;a0​,a1​,…,ar​)), indexed by compositions (a0​,a1​,…,ar​),
where a0​≥0,\, ai​>0 for i≥1, and a0​+a1​+⋯+ar​=n, w...
Smith Normal Form of Matrices Associated with Differential Posets
October 2, 2015
We prove a conjecture of Miller and Reiner on the existence of Smith normal
form for the DU-operators for a certain class of r-differential posets....
Parabolic and near-parabolic renormalizations for local degree three
September 30, 2015
Dynamical Systems
The invariant class under parabolic and near-parabolic renormalizations
constructed by Inou and Shishikura has been proved to be extremely useful in
recent years. It leads to several important progresses on the dynamics of
certain holomorph...
Properties of Eventually Positive Linear Input-Output Systems
September 28, 2015
Computer Science
Optimization and Control
Systems and Control
In this paper, we consider the systems with trajectories originating in the
nonnegative orthant becoming nonnegative after some finite time transient.
First we consider dynamical systems (i.e., fully observable systems with no
inputs), whic...
Interpretation of the Klein-Gordon Probability Density
September 22, 2015
Quantum Physics
Quantum Physics
The fact that the probability density expression provided by the Klein-Gordon
equation can take on negative values is usually seen as an obstacle to
formulating a particle interpretation of quantum mechanics. Nevertheless,
reconciling this ...
Analytical Methods for Squaring the Disc
September 21, 2015
History and Overview
Differential Geometry
History and Overview
Differential Geometry
We present and discuss several old and new methods for mapping a circular
disc to a square. In particular, we present analytical expressions for mapping
each point (u,v) inside the circular disc to a point (x,y) inside a square
region. Idea...
A guide to tropical modifications
September 11, 2015
Algebraic Geometry
This paper surveys {\it tropical modifications}, which have already become a
folklore in tropical geometry. Tropical modifications are used in tropical
intersection theory, tropical Hodge theory, and in the study of singularities.
They admi...
Mathematical Contributions to the Dynamics of the Josephson Junctions:
State of the Art and Open Problems
September 10, 2015
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Quantum Physics
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Quantum Physics
Mathematical models related to some Josephson junctions are pointed out and
attention is drawn to the solutions of certain initial boundary problems and to
some of their estimates. In addition, results of rigorous analysis of the
behaviour ...
Asymptotic Differential Algebra and Model Theory of Transseries
September 8, 2015
| | | | |
Commutative Algebra
Classical Analysis and ODEs
Commutative Algebra
Classical Analysis and ODEs
We develop here the algebra of the differential field of transseries and of
related valued differential fields. This book contains in particular our
recently obtained decisive positive results on the model theory of these
The complex structure on the six dimensional sphere
September 8, 2015
Differential Geometry
Algebraic Geometry
Proof of existence of a complex structure on the six-sphere, followed by an
explicit computation of its underlying integrable almost complex tensor by the
aid of inner automorphisms of the octonions, is exhibited. Both are elementary
and se...