Probabilistic well-posedness for the nonlinear wave equation on
September 10, 2014
Analysis of PDEs
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
We establish probabilistic well-posedness results for the subcubic nonlinear
wave equation, posed on the domain B2×T, with randomly chosen
initial data having radial symmetry in the B2 variable, and with vanishing
Convergence of hybrid slice sampling via spectral gap
September 9, 2014
It is known that the simple slice sampler has robust convergence properties,
however the class of problems where it can be implemented is limited. In
contrast, we consider hybrid slice samplers which are easily implementable and
where anoth...
Symplectic, orthogonal and linear Lie groups in Clifford algebra
September 8, 2014
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
In this paper we prove isomorphisms between 5 Lie groups (of arbitrary
dimension and fixed signatures) in Clifford algebra and classical matrix Lie
groups - symplectic, orthogonal and linear groups. Also we obtain isomorphisms
of correspond...
Normal Forms and Degenerate CR Singularities
August 28, 2014
Complex Variables
Differential Geometry
It is constructed a normal form for a class of real-smooth surfaces
M\subset\mathbb{C}^{2} defined near a degenerate CR singularity....
Symmetric Matrices: Theory and Applications
August 25, 2014
History and Overview
History and Overview
This text is a survey on symmetric matrices. It serves as a script for a
module to be taught at university....
Matrix integrals over unitary groups: An application of Schur-Weyl
August 16, 2014
Quantum Physics
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
The integral formulae pertaining to the unitary group U(d) have
been comprehensively reviewed, yielding fresh results and innovative proofs.
Central to the derivation of these formulae lies the employment of Schur-Weyl
duality, a...
Self-assembled porous media from particle-stabilized emulsions
August 13, 2014
Soft Condensed Matter
Materials Science
Chemical Physics
Computational Physics
Fluid Dynamics
We propose a new mechanism to create self-assembled porous media with highly
tunable geometrical properties and permeabilities: We first allow a
particle-stabilized emulsion to form from a mixture of two fluids and colloidal
particles. Then...
Infinite-dimensional stochastic differential equations arising from Airy
random point fields
August 4, 2014
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
The Airyβ random point fields (β=1,2,4) are random point
fields emerging as the soft-edge scaling limits of eigenvalues of Gaussian
random matrices. We construct the unlabeled diffusion reversible with respect
to the Airy...
Conditional Negation of The abc Conjecture
July 27, 2014
General Mathematics
General Mathematics
In this paper, the abc conjecture is negated under certain conditions...
Roles of Hund's rule coupling in excitonic density-wave states
July 17, 2014
Strongly Correlated Electrons
Excitonic density-wave states realized by the quantum condensation of
electron-hole pairs (or excitons) are studied in the two-band Hubbard model
with Hund's rule coupling and the pair hopping term. Using the variational
cluster approximati...