Introduction to Queueing Theory and Stochastic Teletraffic Models
July 10, 2013
Computer Science
Information Theory
Information Theory
Information Theory
Information Theory
The aim of this textbook is to provide students with basic knowledge of
stochastic models that may apply to telecommunications research areas, such as
traffic modelling, resource provisioning and traffic management. These study
areas are of...
Impossibility of Local State Transformation via Hypercontractivity
July 10, 2013
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Computer Science
Quantum Physics
Information Theory
Mathematical Physics
Information Theory
Mathematical Physics
Quantum Physics
Information Theory
Mathematical Physics
Information Theory
Mathematical Physics
Local state transformation is the problem of transforming an arbitrary number
of copies of a bipartite resource state to a bipartite target state under local
operations. That is, given two bipartite states, is it possible to transform an
The Fractal and The Recurrence Equations Concerning The Integer
July 2, 2013
Dynamical Systems
Number Theory
Dynamical Systems
Number Theory
This paper introduced a way of fractal to solve the problem of taking count
of the integer partitions, furthermore, using the method in this paper some
recurrence equations concerning the integer partitions can be deduced,
including the pen...
Antiglitch Inconsistent With Magnetar Model of AXP
July 2, 2013
High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
The recently observed antiglitch of AXP 1E 2259+586 is inconsistent with
magnetar models, but may be explained as the consequence of sudden accretion of
retrograde matter or "propeller" interaction with surrounding matter. AXP/SGR
are expla...
Translational and great Darboux cyclides
June 8, 2013
Algebraic Geometry
Metric Geometry
A surface that is the pointwise sum of circles in Euclidean space is either
coplanar or contains no more than 2 circles through a general point. A surface
that is the pointwise product of circles in the unit-quaternions contains
either 2, 3...
The Attractor-Cycle Notation for Finite Transformations
June 3, 2013
Computer Science
Group Theory
Formal Languages and Automata Theory
We describe a new notation for finite transformations. This attractor-cycle
notation extends the orbit-cycle notation for permutations and builds upon
existing transformation notations. How the basins of attraction of a finite
Showcasing straight-line programs with memory via matrix Bruhat
May 24, 2013
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Computer Science
Data Structures and Algorithms
Group Theory
We suggest that straight-line programs designed for algebraic computations
should be accompanied by a comprehensive complexity analysis that takes into
account both the number of fundamental algebraic operations needed, as well as
memory re...
About Asymptotic continuation of Einstein equation
May 22, 2013
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General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
The energy density of the gravitational field is a full-fledged source of the
gravitational field. This principle of Einstein was not implemented by him in
the Einstein equation. Not long ago it was possible to find an energy-momentum
Methods to Calculate the Upper Bound of Gini Coefficient Based on
Grouped Data and the Result for China
May 21, 2013
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Determining an upper bound, particularly the optimal upper bound of the Gini
coefficient when dealing with grouped data without specified income brackets,
remains an important and open question. In this paper, we introduce an
efficient algo...
Curvature estimates for the level sets of solutions of the
Monge-Amp\`{e}re equation detD2u=1
May 12, 2013
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Analysis of PDEs
For the Monge-Amp\`{e}re equation detD2u=1, we find new auxiliary
curvature functions which attain respective maximum on the boundary. Moreover,
we obtain the upper bounded estimates for the Gauss curvature and mean
curvature of the l...