We study the surface Sˉ parametrizing cuboids: it is defined by the
equations relating the sides, face diagonals and long diagonal of a rectangular
box. It is an open problem whether a `rational box' exists, i.e., a rectangular
box a...
Quantum-classical phase transition with spontaneous superposition
breaking (basic characteristics)
July 15, 2010
Quantum Physics
In this work we consider basic characteristics of a quantum-classical
continuous phase transition with spontaneous (non-dynamical) unitary symmetry
(superposition) breaking (effective hiding). We clearly demonstrate that
collapse (transitio...
Hagen-Poiseuille Flow Linear Stability Paradox Resolving and Viscous
Dissipative Mechanism of the Turbulence Emergence in the Boundary Layer
July 7, 2010
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Fluid Dynamics
Classical Physics
Fluid Dynamics
Classical Physics
In the linear theory of hydrodynamic stability up to now there exist examples
of flows for which there is full quantitative distinction, as for cylindrical
Hagen-Poiseuille (HP) flow in a pipe with round section, between theory
conclusions ...
Single photon interference, photon-detector entanglement and collapse as
a quantum-classical phase transition
June 11, 2010
Quantum Physics
In this work we consider various experiments of single or two photon
interference at beam splitter with or without photon trajectories and
coordinates (selective) detection. Especially we consider quantum dynamical
interaction between photo...
Anti-de Sitter gauge theory for gravity
June 8, 2010
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
First a review is given of Riemann-Cartan space-time and Einstein-Cartan
gravity. This gives us the necessary tools to handle the SO(2,3) Yang-Mills
gauge theory for gravity. Field equations are obtained from a Yang-Mills gauge
field Lagran...
Electroweak Limits on General New Vector Bosons
May 21, 2010
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High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
We study extensions of the Standard Model with general new vector bosons. The
full Standard Model gauge symmetry is used to classify the extra vectors and
constrain their couplings. We derive the corresponding effective Lagrangian,
valid at...
We construct multidimensional interpolating tensor product MRA's of the
function spaces C0(Rn,K), K=R or K=C,
consisting of real or complex valued functions on Rn vanishing at
infinity and ...
Dichotic harmony for the musical practice
May 14, 2010
Computer Science
Electrical Engineering and Systems Science
Audio and Speech Processing
The dichotic method of hearing sound adapts in the region of musical harmony.
The algorithm of the separation of the being dissonant voices into several
separate groups is proposed. For an increase in the pleasantness of chords the
The χ2-divergence and Mixing times of quantum Markov processes
May 13, 2010
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Quantum Physics
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
We introduce quantum versions of the χ2-divergence, provide a detailed
analysis of their properties, and apply them in the investigation of mixing
times of quantum Markov processes. An approach similar to the one presented in
[1-3] fo...
Bullet Cluster: Remarkable Revelations and Enduring Insights -- Part I
May 9, 2010
Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics
This study unveils new insights into the Bullet Cluster through cm-wave
observations made with the Australia Telescope Compact Array, focusing on the
Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect (SZE). A novel SZE feature was discovered,
distinctively offset f...