Skew Generalized Polycyclic Codes with Derivations
July 13, 2019
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Computer Science
Information Theory
Information Theory
Information Theory
Information Theory
In this paper, we first consider the iterated skew polynomial ring
where R is a finite ring with unity. Then we use this structure for
the construction o...
Quantifying the Vulnerabilities of the Online Public Square to
Adversarial Manipulation Tactics
July 13, 2019
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Computer Science
Computers and Society
Social and Information Networks
Physics and Society
Social media, seen by some as the modern public square, is vulnerable to
manipulation. By controlling inauthentic accounts impersonating humans,
malicious actors can amplify disinformation within target communities. The
consequences of such...
Variable degeneracy on toroidal graphs
July 12, 2019
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Computer Science
Discrete Mathematics
Discrete Mathematics
DP-coloring was introduced by Dvo\v{r}\'{a}k and Postle as a generalization
of list coloring and signed coloring. A new coloring, strictly f-degenerate
transversal, is a further generalization of DP-coloring and
L-forested-coloring. In ...
Finding irrelevant vertices in linear time on bounded-genus graphs
July 12, 2019
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Computer Science
Data Structures and Algorithms
The irrelevant vertex technique provides a powerful tool for the design of
parameterized algorithms for a wide variety of problems on graphs. A common
characteristic of these problems, permitting the application of this technique
on surface...
Sparsely Activated Networks
July 12, 2019
Computer Science
Machine Learning
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Machine Learning
Previous literature on unsupervised learning focused on designing structural
priors with the aim of learning meaningful features. However, this was done
without considering the description length of the learned representations which
is a di...
Shape Invariant Single and Double well Potentials under Spectral
July 9, 2019
Quantum Physics
We formulate the structure of spectral invariance in shape invariance single
and double well potentials using derivative invariance....
Towards the Internet of Robotic Things: Analysis, Architecture,
Components and Challenges
July 8, 2019
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Computer Science
Networking and Internet Architecture
Networking and Internet Architecture
Internet of Things (IoT) and robotics cannot be considered two separate
domains these days. Internet of Robotics Things (IoRT) is a concept that has
been recently introduced to describe the integration of robotics technologies
in IoT scenar...
A Randomized Block-Coordinate Primal-Dual Method for Large-scale
Stochastic Saddle Point Problems
July 8, 2019
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Optimization and Control
We consider (stochastic) convex-concave saddle point (SP) problems with
high-dimensional decision variables, arising in various machine learning
problems. To contend with the challenges in computing full gradients, we employ
a randomized bl...
One-parameter isometry groups and inclusions between operator algebras
July 8, 2019
Operator Algebras
Functional Analysis
We make a careful study of one-parameter isometry groups on Banach spaces,
and their associated analytic generators, as first studied by Cioranescu and
Zsido. We pay particular attention to various, subtly different, constructions
which hav...
Foundations for conditional probability
July 8, 2019
The main result presented in this article is that probability can
fundamentally be characterized as a subset of conditional expectation induced
by a plausible preorder on random quantities. This is justified by the fact
that probability is ...