Estimating Treatment Effect under Additive Hazards Models with
High-dimensional Covariates
June 29, 2019
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Quantitative Biology
Quantitative Methods
Machine Learning
Quantitative Methods
Machine Learning
Estimating causal effects for survival outcomes in the high-dimensional
setting is an extremely important topic for many biomedical applications as
well as areas of social sciences. We propose a new orthogonal score method for
treatment eff...
Neck-Pinching of CP1-structures in the PSL(2,C)-character variety
June 28, 2019
Geometric Topology
Differential Geometry
We characterize a certain neck-pinching degeneration of (marked) CP1-
structures on a closed oriented surface S of genus at least two. Namely, we
consider a path Ct of CP1-structures on S leaving every compact subset in
the deforma...
The Winnability of Klondike Solitaire and Many Other Patience Games
June 28, 2019
Computer Science
Artificial Intelligence
Our ignorance of the winnability percentage of the solitaire card game
`Klondike' has been described as "one of the embarrassments of applied
mathematics". Klondike, the game in the Windows Solitaire program, is just one
of many single-play...
The log-Sobolev inequality for spin systems of higher order interactions
June 27, 2019
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Mathematical Physics
Functional Analysis
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Functional Analysis
Mathematical Physics
We study the infinite-dimensional log-Sobolev inequality for spin systems on
Zd with interactions of power higher than quadratic. We assume that
the one site measure without a boundary e−ϕ(x)dx/Z satisfies a
log-Sobolev ...
Equivariant discretizations of diffusions, random walks, and harmonic
June 27, 2019
Differential Geometry
For covering spaces and properly discontinuous actions with compatible
diffusion processes, we discuss Lyons-Sullivan discretizations of the processes
and the associated function theory....
Positive harmonic functions on groups and covering spaces
June 27, 2019
Differential Geometry
We show that if p:M→N is a normal Riemannian covering, with N
closed, and M has exponential volume growth, then there are non-constant,
positive harmonic functions on M. This was conjectured by Lyons and Sullivan
in \cite...
The UN Security Council debates 1992-2023
June 26, 2019
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Computer Science
Digital Libraries
Digital Libraries
This paper presents an updated dataset containing 106,302 speeches held in
the public meetings of the UN Security Council (UNSC) between 1992 and 2023.
The dataset is based on publicly available meeting transcripts with the S/PV
document sy...
Uniformly consistent proportion estimation for composite hypotheses via
integral equations: "the case of Gamma random variables"
June 24, 2019
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory
We consider estimating the proportion of random variables for two types of
composite null hypotheses: (i) the means of the random variables belonging to a
non-empty, bounded interval; (ii) the means of the random variables belonging
to an u...
Efficient Analysis of Unambiguous Automata Using Matrix Semigroup
June 24, 2019
Computer Science
Formal Languages and Automata Theory
We introduce a novel technique to analyse unambiguous B\"uchi automata
quantitatively, and apply this to the model checking problem. It is based on
linear-algebra arguments that originate from the analysis of matrix semigroups
with constant...
Policy Targeting under Network Interference
June 24, 2019
Computer Science
Social and Information Networks
Machine Learning
This paper studies the problem of optimally allocating treatments in the
presence of spillover effects, using information from a (quasi-)experiment. I
introduce a method that maximizes the sample analog of average social welfare
when spillo...