On the circle, Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos and Beta Ensembles match
April 1, 2019
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Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Spectral Theory
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Spectral Theory
We identify an equality between two objects arising from different contexts
of mathematical physics: Kahane's Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos (GMCγ)
on the circle, and the Circular Beta Ensemble (CβE) from Random Matrix
On the Cauchy problem for semilinear thermoelastic plate systems in the
Lq framework
April 1, 2019
Analysis of PDEs
We mainly consider semilinear thermoelastic plate systems with general power
nonlinearities in the whole space Rn. By applying the Fourier
analysis, some sharp (Lq∩Lm)−Lq estimates of solutions (with any
$1\leqslant m\l...
Large AdS6 black holes from CFT5
April 1, 2019
High Energy Physics - Theory
We study supersymmetric AdS6 black holes at large angular momenta, from
the index of 5d SCFTs on S4×R in the large N and Cardy
limit. Our examples are the strong coupling limits of 5d gauge theories on the
D4-D8-O8 sys...
Non-compact quantum spin chains as integrable stochastic particle
April 1, 2019
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Mathematical Physics
Statistical Mechanics
High Energy Physics - Theory
Mathematical Physics
In this paper we discuss a family of models of particle and energy diffusion
on a one-dimensional lattice, related to those studied previously in
[Sasamoto-Wadati], [Barraquand-Corwin] and [Povolotsky] in the context of KPZ
universality cla...
Borel sets of Rado graphs and Ramsey's Theorem
March 30, 2019
The well-known Galvin-Prikry Theorem states that Borel subsets of the Baire
space are Ramsey: Given any Borel subset X⊆[ω]ω, where [ω]ω is endowed with the metric
topology, each infinite subs...
Quadrotor Manipulation System: Development of a Robust Contact Force
Estimation and Impedance Control Scheme Based on DOb and FTRLS
March 29, 2019
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Computer Science
The research on aerial manipulation systems has been increased rapidly in
recent years. These systems are very attractive for a wide range of
applications due to their unique features. However, dynamics, control and
manipulation tasks of su...
Nonlinear fourth order Taylor expansion of lattice Boltzmann schemes
March 29, 2019
Computer Science
Numerical Analysis
Discrete Mathematics
Numerical Analysis
Classical Physics
We propose a formal expansion of multiple relaxation times lattice Boltzmann
schemes in terms of a single infinitesimal numerical variable. The result is a
system of partial differential equations for the conserved moments of the
lattice Bo...
Simple subvector inference on sharp identified set in affine models
March 29, 2019
This paper studies a regularized support function estimator for bounds on
components of the parameter vector in the case in which the identified set is a
polygon. The proposed regularized estimator has three important properties: (i)
it has...
Estimating spillovers using imprecisely measured networks
March 29, 2019
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In many experimental contexts, whether and how network interactions impact
the outcome of interest for both treated and untreated individuals are key
concerns. Networks data is often assumed to perfectly represent these possible
The effective strength of selection in random environment
March 28, 2019
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We analyse a family of two-types Wright-Fisher models with selection in a
random environment and skewed offspring distribution. We provide a calculable
criterion to quantify the impact of different shapes of selection on the fate
of the wea...