Neutron structure function via a maximum entropy analysis
January 3, 2018
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High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
We employ the maximum entropy method to extract the valence quark
distributions of the neutron at a low scale, Q02.
At this initial scale, the neutron is defined to contain only three valence
quarks, with no contributions from sea...
Higgs Decays to ZZ and Zγ in the SMEFT: an NLO analysis
January 3, 2018
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
We calculate the complete one-loop electroweak corrections to the inclusive
H→ZZ and H→Zγ decays in the dimension-6
extension of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT). The corrections
to $H\right...
Nonlinear stability of self-gravitating massive fields
December 28, 2017
Analysis of PDEs
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology
We consider the global evolution problem for Einstein's field equations in
the near-Minkowski regime and study the long-time dynamics of a massive scalar
field evolving under its own gravitational field. We establish the existence of
a glob...
Expansion of Iterated Ito Stochastic Integrals of Arbitrary Multiplicity
Based on Generalized Multiple Fourier Series Converging in the Mean
December 27, 2017
The article is devoted to the expansions of iterated Ito stochastic integrals
based on generalized multiple Fourier series converging in the sense of norm in
the space L2([t,T]k),k∈N. The method of generalized multiple
Expansions of Iterated Stratonovich Stochastic Integrals Based on
Generalized Multiple Fourier Series: Multiplicities 1 to 6 and Beyond
December 27, 2017
The article is devoted to the expansions of iterated Stratonovich stochastic
integrals of multiplicities 1 to 6 on the basis of the method of generalized
multiple Fourier series that converge in the sense of norm in Hilbert space
$L_2([t, T...
Semigroup approach to the sign problem in quantum Monte Carlo
December 26, 2017
Strongly Correlated Electrons
High Energy Physics - Lattice
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics
Nuclear Theory
We propose a framework based on the concept of the semigroup to understand
the fermion sign problem. By using properties of contraction semigroups, we
obtain sufficient conditions for quantum lattice fermion models to be
sign-problem-free. ...
Revisiting the charging-capacitor problem
December 22, 2017
Classical Physics
The charging capacitor is used as a standard paradigm for illustrating the
concept of the Maxwell "displacement current". A certain aspect of the problem,
however, is often overlooked. It concerns the conditions for satisfaction of
the Fara...
Medium effects on freeze-out of light clusters at NICA energies
December 20, 2017
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Nuclear Theory
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
Nuclear Theory
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
We estimate the chemical freeze-out of light nuclear clusters for NICA
energies of above 2 A GeV. On the one hand we use results from the low energy
domain of about 35 A MeV, where medium effects have been shown to be important
to explain e...
Coalgebraic Behavioral Metrics
December 20, 2017
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Computer Science
Logic in Computer Science
We study different behavioral metrics, such as those arising from both
branching and linear-time semantics, in a coalgebraic setting. Given a
coalgebra α:X→HX for a functor H:Set→Set, we define...
Oscillating superflow in multicomponent Bose-Einstein condensates
December 20, 2017
Quantum Gases
Conservation of angular momentum depends on the existence of rotational
symmetry. However, even in systems where this symmetry is broken, flipping
between angular momentum eigenstates often requires an activation energy. Here
we discuss an ...